The act of charity can bring a lot more fruits one thinks. Worshiping Gods, Organizing Pooja, Studying hard, these all are a part of your life and a way to appease God but one charity is equal to all good deeds done in one year.
Charity remove fears. Everyone should help and charity poor and needy ones. Charity can bring problems if done with expectation and show off. One should charity secretly. The epic book Geeta says that even your left hand should not aware of your right hand doing charity.
Lets know about what charity one can do ? This depends upon various sources like planets, ascendant, houses but here we will see according to the Ascendant or Lagna.
Aries –
• Aries ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Green vegetables, Moong ki daal, Caps, Green Grass to cows, Matka, Shankh and Paper.
• Natives to lead a peaceful life must charity Honey, Masar ki daal, Knife or idols and posters of Lion.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Chane ki daal, Gold, Turmeric and Gram flour.
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Taurus –
• Taurus ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Silver made items, Ghee, Fruits, Flowers, Curd and give a helping hand in marriage events.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Saffron, Gram flour and Turmeric.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Honey, Soup and Masar Ki daal.
Gemini –
• Gemini ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Knife, Honey and posters of lion.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Bricks, Cement, Iron items, Shoes and almonds.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Ghee, Fruits, Curd and Socks.
Cancer –
• Cancer ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Green vegetables, Drums is temples, Offer water to the Sun and Shankh.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Ruby, Jaggery, Pink colored clothes and Gold to father.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Gold, Saffron and Copper items.
Leo –
• Leo ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Almonds, Cement Iron items and Coal.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Turmeric, White butter and Gram flour.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Milk, Water, Silver items, Money and Pearl.
Virgo –
• Virgo ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Chana, shoes and Socks.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Honey, Saffron and pictures of Lions.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Copper items, Pink colored clothes, jaggery and Ruby.
Libra –
• Libra ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Turmeric, Chane ki daal and Gram flour.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Fruits, Vegetables, Moong ki daal and Curd.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Plain paper, Freen Grass to animals, Shankh in temples and Fish food to fishes and tortoise.
Scorpio –
• Scorpio ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Masar ki daal, knife, Honey and Saffron.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Green vegetables, Fruits, Water matka and Milk.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Ghee, Flowers, Music CDs and Silver items.
Sagittarius –
• Sagittarius ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Flowers, helping hand in marriage events, Fruits and vegetables.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity White butter, Vehicles, Water to animals and Money.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Orange colored items, Shoes and Sindoor.
Capricorn –
• Capricorn ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Green Vegetables, Moong ki daal, Curd and Milk.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Jaggery, Honey, Gold to father and Copper items.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Steel Utensils, Chane ki daal and Turmeric.
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Aquarius –
• Aquarius ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Water, Milk, Curd and Silver made items.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Green vegetables, Chocolate and Ice-creams.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Bricks, Cement, Shoes and Almonds.
Pisces –
• Pisces ascendants suffering from health problems or want to improve health must charity Pink colored clothes, Jaggery and Copper items.
• Natives to have a peaceful life must charity Fruits, Vegetables, Curd, Sweets and Notebooks.
• Natives to increase wealth must charity Cement, Shoes, Clothes and Blankets.
When to do ?
The act of charity is a pure and kind action. It does not need any specific time as good deeds have no time but preference would be early morning. Charity removes malefic Doshas, Health problems and other negativities. One should charity in the night if doing it on the behalf of your ancestors.
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