Monday is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The day is special fro Lord Shiva’s devotees. The Shravana month is special for Lord Shiva. There are certain remedies, devotees trust that Shiva will support them in every problem and fulfill their wishes. If you want a happy life then follow these remedies –
Wear two mukhi Rudraksha covered in sliver. Doing so will make you earn more and more.
It is considered that offering sugarcane juice on the manifestation of Lord Shiva that is Shivlinga is very auspicious. Doing so will make you wealthy and healthy.
Chant Rudriya Path and you will be blessed with wealth.
Offer water and milk to Shivlinga in the temple and chant “Om Namah Mahashivaye Somaye namah “ ( ‘ऊँ महाशिवाय सोमाय नम:’)
On Monday, early in the morning, take an oath to eat only one time at night in front of Lord Shiva’s idol. This will make you immensely healthy.
If you are facing problems in your job, career, business then offer honey to Lord Shiva. This will put an end to your worries.
Establish 14 mukhi Rudraksha at your home in dwipushkar Yoga. Doing this, chances of a new property will get stronger.
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