With USD 22.7 Billion dollars of net worth, Mukesh Ambani is the richest man of this nation and richer than many on this planet. He was born on 19th April 1957, 19:53, aden berek . Below is his horoscope as given in internet media and is of course questionable.
So if my predictions about him do go wrong then I am sorry to the readers who are giving time to read this article.
Mukesh Ambani was born in Moola star 4th quarter and Scorpio ascendant he ran the dasa of ketu from childhood. He is now running his rahu mahadasha till 3-8-2019 and then his Jupiter dasa will begin.
Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
His lagna is aspected by the lagna lord Mars, the lord of third house Saturn is posited in his ascendant. In 2017 Mukesh Ambani will be running the dasa of Rahu-Moon. This is a not so good period in general because Rahu is not a friendly planet towards moon and moon is always afraid of Rahu as said in some old texts.
In Mukesh Ambani horoscope, Moon is placed in second house in lagna and cuspal chart and it is in star of ketu which is placed in 6th house. Ketu in this horoscope of Mukesh Ambani is not aspected by any planet but it is conjoined with Sun, Venus, Mercury and thus it becomes the significator of houses 7, 10, 12, 8, 11 and 6 and thus moon also becomes the significator of all these houses.
Read Daily Horoscope and plan your day accordingly.
In 2017 we will see that Mukesh Ambani will suffer from health issues. His very ambitious project JIO which has already made Vodafone and Idea talk about merger and Airtel giving free data may fall flat when finally he comes up with tariff plans.
No one is actually calling from JIO but using data even without knowing the number of the SIM. And this is happening with most of the people. Even the common public is in wait and watch mode along with all the telecom players of this country.
In Mukesh Ambani horoscope Rahu too is a significator of 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12 houses. Thus his JIO project may go anywhere and right now as far as this chart suggests even the management of JIO does not know what to do with it further.
Mukesh Ambani was born in one of the biggest business family and thus he is enjoying powers and pleasures which a common man cannot think. Had he been born in a common man`s family he would have been simply doing a good job and managing his family because his horoscope does not any shades of any special traits. My best wishes to his future.
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