Vladimir Putin was third of the three born to Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin and Maria Ivanovna Putina. His brothers died later and he was the only one remaining. This is a very interesting fact astrologically. I will go with the birth time 7th October 1952, Leningrad, 14:20 for his birth with Scorpio rising and moon in Rohini aspecting the lagna. Below is his horoscope.
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Vladimir Putin became president in the year 2000 in Jupiter Rahu period. He is still the president of Russia. The period of Saturn too kept him on the top of things. When we see his KP cuspal chart we come to know why he enjoyed this status for such a long period. Saturn is in mars star which rules houses 4, 1, 11, 12 and Saturn rules the second house and placed in 9th house. This is why Vladimir Putin is so popular but some or other incident always pops up to tarnish his popular image and later he wins over one and all.
Since 2015 Vladimir Putin is running Saturn rahu period till 20-05-2018. The current transit of Saturn will be happening over his second house and Jupiter is already transiting over his 11th house. The current US president Donald trump has also shared his wish to be more close to Russia and end terrorism globally. The period of March to May 2017 will come up with some bad news about Putin if this horoscope is correct to decimals. He may order a strike or Russia may suffer due to his policies to some extent.
This horoscope is also clear about Vladimir Putin`s disturbed marriage and subsequent divorce.
Vladimir Putin is fighting against ISIS and soon it is believed by some unconfirmed internet reports that USA along with UK may join and destroy ISIS terror regime forever and later on BOKOHARAM etc will be finished. Pakistani terror groups are also going to be his target because of close indo-Russia ties and India`s clear stance on terrorism.
I wish him luck in his fight against Islamic terror.
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