13 Things To Check Before Buying Home

Buying home property is a moment of celebration. It will be your largest asset and will give you financial security. Everyone knows about the type of home they want to buy. Let’s have a look on things to keep in mind while buying any property from the astrological point of view.

Entrance – The entrance of the road or Gali should be from north or north east. South or west is recommended as Sun rays in the afternoon are harmful to health.
Kitchen –  Kitchen is considered as the heart of the house. The best place for kitchen is south east. Morning Sun is not ideal for kitchen so north east will not be appropriate.
Living room or Bedrooms – They must be in north east direction. Living rooms must be in center to give a spacious look to the house.
Dining room – It should be located in the west direction. Kitchen should not be downstairs from the dining room.

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• Toilets and washrooms – They must be built in south direction or south west corner. This will prevent the bad air going in the rooms in the wind direction of north east.
Study room – Library or books should be kept in the west direction. They should not be in the corners.
Water tank – It should be placed in the north east direction above the roof. The ultraviolet rays helps in purifying the water.
Shape – Do not buy irregular shapes. They usually miss out corners and directions. Choose a regular square or rectangle shape. The idols should face west and worshipers east.
Temple – The temple should be built in north, north east or east direction. The place of worshiping should not be upstairs. Ground floor suits best. Toilets should not be above, below, or besides the temple room.
History – Check if the house has some history. If yes then don’t go for it. Buy a successful and fresh home.

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House Face – The face of the house should be in north or east, wide and open area then it is auspicious for the family.
Pre – event – Bhumi Pooja is considered auspicious and fortunate before buying the home. It leads to a good start.
Other Things – There should not be any tree in the line of your first door. It prevents opportunities. Also, the house should not end at a straight line. You can keep pyramids and plants to overcome that.

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