Venus Transit in Gemini, Know the Effects on You

Many people consider this be a very bad transit as far as mundane matters are concerned. Venus will be transiting to Gemini, in the house of “param mitra”, Mercury. Gemini is an airy dual sign with flair of a teenager. Venus will be there till 21st August.

Venus Transit in Gemini, Know the Effects on You

Venus Transit to Gemini, How it is going to affect the natives of 12 ascendants:

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                                  Aries: Love Bites :- (

You will have good relations with people near you. You will enjoy the company of natives of opposite sex. You will have some short travels. Love matters may get a bit estranged. You will have good career progress. You may have good proposals for change of job. Be careful in the last phase because luck may ditch you suddenly.

                                 Taurus: Money calling you

You will have gain of wealth in this period. You will be visited by your relatives and some parties may happen. You will be buying some new things. You will be having expenses on luxury and leisure. There is gain from stocks indicated but not in high volumes. You will have progress in love matters.

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                                   Gemini: Fresh n up  :-))

You will have a good mentality. There will be an urge to travel, make friends, and talk to people. Creative tasks will consume your time. Work progress will be there. Friends will be helpful and you will need them too in this time. Their support will be required to make things happen. Younger siblings may visit home. Your career will be going good and also your business.

                                Cancer : Failure Ahead   🙁

You will be going away from your home for a while. There will be losses due to your irrational behavior. You will be having some disputes with your relatives and this may go for a long time. You will be given a task to perform and you will fail in doing it, it could be mediating between two or more people and come to a conclusion which is feasible to all. You will not be able to strike a deal or close the deal as desired.

Daily Horoscope

                                  Leo: Mostly Good

You will be having good time mostly in the first and last phase but when Venus will be in Rahu star then it may give you some issues. You will see that luck is not very supportive but still you are able to do things by the finishing line. You will have love matters giving you mental peace. You may expect some elderly person to pay a visit to your home. You may meet some religious personality.

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                                Virgo : All will be well

There will be unrest in your personal life. You will be having some or other disputes related to many things in day to day life. You will not be having the support from elders and friends and things may seem to be getting out of hands at time. But there is nothing is worry about and you will come over everything. You may have some repair work at your home.

                                  Libra: Good for Career

Long travels are likely. You will think of doing some higher knowledge course. You may visit some religious, spiritual, or the likes types of a place. You will have the favor of luck and things will be very good for you. You may make some plans. Career wise the time is good. There will be better progress in this time as far as career is concerned.

                                  Scorpio: Career looks Good

Career wise the time is progressive but otherwise there will be “some” to “many” mental tensions depending upon your natal chart and dasha. You may have to bear a lot of pressure from your spouse for stupid things. Your health may also give slight problems. In the last phase there will be goodness and you will be having reasons to smile.

                              Sagittarius: Too much Sex not good 

There will be some mild disturbances in your personal life. Sex will be on priority. You may overdo your sexual acts. You will feel to make friends and have fun, be creative, and enjoy music and movies as a time pass or in free time. You may have some conflicts with your elders or teachers. Work related things will move in a proper way in the last phase in the star of Jupiter.

                             Capricorn: No Stocks for Now

Losses in speculation are there. Kid’s health may become problematic. Your love matters will not be very energizing. Misunderstandings may crop up and destroy the goodness for some time. Real estate agents may find a good client. You r married life will be disturbed. You may spend money on long travels.

Weekly Horoscope

                                    Aquarius: Tensions !!!!!

Houses 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be affected. Work will be satisfactory but business may generate losses. Your married life will be getting complicated. You may get a better opportunity in your career. Do not trust natives of opposite sex in this time. You may earn money from people far away like from foreign countries. People into blogging, you tubing will have good profits.

By Acharya Raman

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                                   Pisces: No Emotions please !!

There will be some or other issue in your workplace. You will have to work harder and better to outperform others.  Do not let your emotional part over burden you. Do not think too much about things that don’t matter much to you. Love matters will be deceptive mostly. Enemies may harm you. Still due to the aspect of Jupiter on the ascendant you will be able to cope up with the pressures.

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