Mars Transits Dhanu to Makara May 02, 2018 – Effects on Your Rashi

Mars is going to transit to Capricorn on May 2nd 2018. It will remain there till November 6th. Every second year Mars gets retrograde. In 2016 it was retrograde.

Mars Transit in Capricorn May 2018

This time it is going to retrograde in its exalted sign.

Mars Transit in Capricorn May 2018

On 27th June it will get retrograde and will get direct on 28th August 2018. It will be conjoined with Ketu which is not good in general. Let us see the effects of this transit on 12 nativities:

Mars Transits Dhanu to Makara effect on ARIES

Health hazard may come to you. Be careful with your health. Your work performance will be going good and suddenly you will have setbacks.

  • Bursts of anger will be getting common in this period. You will have to be careful when it will reach its own star.
  • Love matters will be getting troubled. You will try to be dominating over your spouse which may ruin your married life for a while.

Decisions you will take after its retrogression will back fire. Avoid the retrogression period for any major decision or investments. Injury on head is possible.

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Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on TAURUS

There can be theft while on travel. You will be going far off places for leisure and entertainment. You will befriend natives of another culture. You will be having pain in the back. Back bone may suffer from stiffness.

  • There can be quarrel with near friends. You may change your residence. You may think to change your job.
  • Business people will find new avenues but may suffer losses due to those. There will be increase in expenses.

You may have some disputes with your near and dear ones. The rigid attitude will cause you a lot in terms of relationships.

Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on GEMINI

You will be having varied effects of this transit. You will see things suddenly changing to your tunes, things which you thought will be difficult. People who were delaying things may do things with surprising ease and cooperation.

  • You are highly prone to meet with an accident in this time. You may have fatal injury if the dasa is also of Mars-Ketu.
  • You may have betrayal in this period. There are chances of sudden loss of money and loss of reputation.

You will be working hard and will be doing things but may not get the desired appreciation. When it will retrograde it will produce further negative effects. You should be careful when Mars turns retrograde.

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Mars Transits Dhanu to Makara effect on CANCER

Love matters will not go as desired. You may have to suffer due to your own ego and stubbornness. You may meet with an accident and injury on your legs is possible.

  • There will be good progress in career and you will become very adamant and aggressive in your day to day life without knowing it yourself.
  • Your friends may point it out to you.

You will be having gains through your spouse. There will be purchase of costly items.

Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on LEO

There is possibility of some health hazard to your father. His career will take a boost. You may borrow money in family. You will have increased expenses.

  • Anger will increase and you may hurt someone with your words. Career progress will be great but business will not run so smoothly.
  • Luck will not favor you in this time and you may have to face losses due to it. Reputation may come at stake in this time.

You will be having multiple thoughts in this period regarding your career, life and about almost everything.

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Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on VIRGO

With the lordship of 3rd and 8th bhava, Mars is worst malefic for this ascendant or moon sign natives. If you are going through the period of Ketu- Mars or Mars- Ketu then you will have to be very careful as it will affect you seriously in some areas.

  • You may see an end of your love affair or hyperacidity and pain in stomach.
  • You will have losses in stocks and your inclination will shift from work to nuisance.

You will enjoy giving pain to others and will enjoy it in this period although this is not your type. You will spend on useless things and will empty your bank balance.

Mars Transits Dhanu to Makara effect on LIBRA

You will have good progress in career and business. Your will do good in your career. There will be good things going behind your back about your performance. You will have support from friends. You may get a better opportunity in this period.

  • Mars energy will be positive for you but you will have to adjust a lot with your spouse as there will be unwanted frictions in personal life.
  • You will be experiencing strange things in your married life.

Business partner may not listen to you in the right way and there can be a scuffle with him or her. Joint pains or lungs related issues may trouble you. You may also suffer from Blood impurities.

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Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on SCORPIO

Your aggression will be on the higher side. Your confidence level will be at peak. You may use strong words in your communications and will dominate others around you.

  • You will proper career wise but health may halt your progress in bits and pieces.
  • There will be goodness in the career of your father.

Married life will not be good and there will be unwanted hurdles in your career. Your commutation will improve   and you may say harsh words at times to people unknowingly.

Mars Transits Dhanu to Makara effect on SAGITTARIUS

There will be some or other problem in your love matters. You will have to do long travel due to your work. You may meet up with a new person who will become your good friend in time to come.

  • You will be having problems of acidity and stomach pain.
  • You will be having scuffles with your relatives and there will be much wastage.

You may lend some money to your relative but it will not come back. You may lose money due to your love matters. There is possibility of uinjury on face.

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Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on CAPRICORN

There will be problems in married life. You will have to adjust a lot because it will be your anger and irritation which will spoil the show.

  • You will be having scuffles with your friends too in this time.
  • You may suffer injury on your head or forehead.

There will be bursts of anger from time to time in you and ego will rise. You will take yourself superior to others. You will try to do big things and may fail badly in them.

Mars Transits from Dhanu to Makara effect on AQUARIUS

Lots of travels will be done by you. You will be having problems in your career. Some of you may leave your current job. There will be unwanted hurdles in your life related to your job and married life.

  • You may have severe differences with your spouse.
  • You may suffer from insomnia and bad dreams.
  • You will have health related issues due to your eating and drinking habits.

You will be having legal matters coming in your life to trouble you. You should avoid direct confrontations and try to have a low profile in these months.

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Mars Transit in Capricorn effect on PISCES

Had this ketu not been here in the 11th house, there could have been goodness in many aspects but due to the placement of ketu you may have to go though reverse effects. You will lose money; your anger will become your enemy. You may suffers from severe health issues. There can be injury on lower legs.  

These were the possible effects of this transit which is going to stay for long. For any confusion feel free to talk to me on 8285282851.

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