Mercury transit to Sagittarius

Effects of Mercury Transit

Mercury will transit to Sagittarius on 14th January. It will be there till 9th February. Mercury will be retrograde till 26th Jan and then it will start its direct motion towards Capricorn. Those having pratyantara of mercury will feel the maximum effects and also those whose dasa lord is in star of mercury. Others will not have the same impact.

1)    Aries: You will have some good moments in your love life; if you are married then you will have good time with your spouse. But after is gets direct. You will have spiritual inclination and may do some charity and donations. This is a good time to go to a religious destination. You will spend time with family and do purchases.

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2)    Taurus: There are chances of loss of money. Your own money will be delayed in realizing. Love matters will have unwanted disturbances. There will be weakness in body. You may have some disputes with members of family. Not a good time to face any interviews. Some known person may cause some financial harm.

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3)    Gemini: There will be confusion in your mind till 26th but after that you will see things in a clear perspective. There will be progress in your work and you will remain energetic. Married life will be good but there can be extra expenses due to romance. You will have good relations with your relatives. Till mercury is retrograde it will be better to stay put.

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4)    Cancer: Mercury generally is not a benefic for cancerians since it rules 12th house. But still it is some beneficial since it passes through the stars of ketu, Venus, sun in Sagittarius. If looking for a job change then this will be good time when it turns direct. There will be increase in your earnings if you are from business community. You should do some religious charities and donations.

Read Cancer Daily Horoscope….

5)    Leo: Those into media or arts will have benefits when it turns direct, till then there are chances of reverse effect if mercury is direct in your natal chart. You will excel in your workplace and your communication will also improve. Your wit will get sharper.

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6)    Virgo: There will be dubious state of mind till 26th January and it will not be wise to take major financial decisions but later on you will have better interaction with masses and your work will be improve. Commerce students will perform well. People into real estate will have good chances to make quick money. You may also to short term abroad trip.

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7)    Libra: You may feel that luck is not very supportive but it is not so, after 26th there will be ample support of luck, but you should use your logic and reason for every decision you make. Do not be impulsive in anything. Remain focused and things will fall into place for you.

Read Libra Daily Horoscope…..

8)    Scorpio: You may get some gifts from in-laws. You will have good relations with family members. Friends will be helpful and you may get some good news from your elder brother. Your lenders may press you to repay loans. Business people have good chances to gain money. But till mercury is retrograde, it will be better to wait and watch if it is direct in your birth chart.

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9)    Sagittarius: your ascendant is going through paapkartari in transit because sun and Saturn on either sides. Mercury alone is not a malefic but it starts acting like one when afflicted. Thus it will be better to keep your cool and stay calm. You will have desire to travels and use time in entertainment. Personal life will be mostly good and you may get to lead a team at your workplace. But only after it gets direct you should expect all this. Your position in your workplace will improve.

Read Sagittarius Daily Horoscope….

10)    Capricorn: Mercury will be in 12th house which indicates expenses and possible health risks. So better be careful, do not rely upon your luck and keep moving ahead on your own. As it is not a matter of many days, not much to worry about. Better focus on work as personal life will not be so tempting.

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11)    Aquarius: This is a good time for romance and gains from speculative means. There is goodness for profits so use it but wait till mercury gets direct. There will be goodness from kids, you may do some religious deeds, if you have something pending then this is the time when you should try for it provided you are having mercury connection in your DBA.

Read Aquarius Daily Horoscope….

12)    Pisces: There will be gains to business people. Salaried people will not have so much of profits. Do not neglect your health and keep control on your speech. Keep a check on your digital communication.

Read Pisces Daily Horoscope….

By Acharya Raman

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