Will vijay mallya be arrested

Vijay Mallaya The Ex KingFisher Beer Baron

Vijay Mallya the most known name in the drunkards circle for his flagship brand Kingfisher is now in some danger. There are rumors that he may be arrested for his acts of willful default.

In our country, those who have done big defaults are roaming scot free and people who have taken loans of small amounts and are not able to repay for some or other genuine reasons are being harassed by the banks and their goons. ICICI bank has been on the forefront of such torture to their loan customers in the past and still now the mental torture and harassment is being conducted by almost all the banks even after guidelines of legal bodies.

Horoscope 2025


The question is interesting because if he is arrested and jailed or only arrested and bailed out by his lawyers, the small ticket loan customers will feel good on one hand because they will see that law is equal for all and on the other hand there will be fear of law in the super upper class of the Indian society.

Number 122 has come to me and below is the horoscope for the same:


12th house is the prime house for the event and 3 and 8 are supporting houses. Virgo is rising with rahu as the sub lord of the ascendant. Rahu is present in the 12th house and at the time of judgment moon is in rahu star.

As per KP, following conditions must be fulfilled for one to go to jail:

  • The 12th cusp sub lord should be rahu.
  • It should not be in a star whose star lord is retrograde.
  • It should be a significator of 2,3,8, or 12 houses.

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In the above chart, the 12th csl is Sun which is the star lord of rahu and rahu is in 12th bhava itself, but keeping by the book the first condition is cancelled of sorts.

The 12th sub sub lord is mercury, we are taking mercury because sun is the star lord and sub of 12th cusp thus we have to take sub sub lord as per the theory given by Lt Shree Suresh Sahasne ji. Mercury is in rahu star signifying 12th house.

Mercury signifies 12th house out of the 4.

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Conclusion: The chances are there that he may be imprisoned, though the rules are not applying completely but in parts. There is possibility of him being arrested after april 2016 and  before 2018 November as mercury antara will operate and mercury  – rahu will signify strongly 12th house.

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By Acharya Raman

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