Birth Time Rectification
Accurate birth time is needed for offering predictions in KP. In majority of cases there may be some aberration in birth time. In the science of KP few mins or seconds of diversion may result in change in sub lords of the cusps. This may result in failure of prediction! Sri KSK has his master key named “ruling planets” to open any cusp or planetary position. He used to fix birth time within fraction of seconds upto the surprise of fellow astrologers and clients. Accuracy is the proof for any subject. There are different methods in KP for BTR. But I follow what Sri KSK propounded without any deviation. One can follow the method with which he/she is comfortable.
Ruling planets are the planets ruling the moment that induced the astrologer to judge any question/matter. Out of nine planets KSK preferred Moon and Ascendant to be the influencing factors along with day lord. Therefore for any moment the following are Ruling planets in the order of strength:
- Asc star lord
- Asc sign lord
- Moon star lord
- Moon sign lord
- Day lord
Nodes (Rahu-Kethu) conjoined, aspected or tenanting the signs of ruling planets are also considered to be “powerful” ruling planets. Here we should note that planets “influencing” asc point and moon position will also play role of ruling planets. Some may say that may increase the number of ruling planets more than five that may inturn result in confusion to finalise the judgment. It is true but we should use our judicious mind to finalise the judgment. KSK also used seed number between 1-249 to finalise the matter. So we should understand and use common sense in employing ruling planets.
Process of BTR:
Generally Asc denotes ‘self’, therefore it became usual to fix the position of the Asc upto the level of Sub-Sub. This fixation will obviously adjust the remaining 11 houses perfectly for the native. We can also fix a particular cusp or planet or dasa in doubt through RPs as said by KSK. There are few practical observations which I will publish in coming write ups.
Any planet or house will be in a sign, star, sub ad sub-sub. These are the zones ruled by different planets which influence the tenants in those areas. We will exactly fix the set of zones that are perfect for a cusp or planet. Perfect means that “zone-set” should reflect and project the destiny of the native. This process is called as rectification.
The planets that rule those zones (at birth) will influence the moment of judgment by astrologer. That is the reason why we judge a horoscope only in a particular moment. Here we should note that, the question of client is important for applying RPs. If the client wants to know exact birth time then alone Rps depict Asc position at birth. Otherwise if the client what to know the time of his marriage then those RPs connected with 2-7-11 houses will cause marriage during their periods but not the position of his Asc.
Rps have a lot to say but I would like confine with BTR in this series.
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Dear sir.
What is arch of lagna .used while doing bit time rectification.
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