The Dark Age- Human Being


As given in the Sanskrit scriptures, there are a total of four phase or stages. Satyayuga, Tretayuga, Dvaparayuga and Kaliyuga. We are living in the yuga of Kali, the last cycle of yugas. The word Kali has many descriptions and personifications.

Varied Meanings –

  • Kali here refers to Black and Yuga is time. Black time clearly gives us the picture of Quarrel, crimes, problems, evil, conflicts, starvation and grey life.
  • Kali denotes the goddess Kali who takes up Kali roop when she has to kill and destroy evil and demons. She herself becomes one who goes out of control. One can say that this Yuga signifies the age of demons.

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Mythological Regard

Hindu natives believe and face the degradation of each other in terms of spirituality and religion. The age is known as Dark Age which signifies everything going dark without any rays of hope or faith. People day by day are getting away from God and reducing morality in themselves.

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Story Behind

The story behind the beginning of Kaliyuga is given in several books interpreted by many. But the truth lies in Lord Krishna in the epic Mahabharata.

Krishna Being Cursed

Krishna became the indirect reason in the killing of Duryodhana, the son of Dhritrashtra and Gandhari in the epic Mahabharata. Gandhari being a mother was devoid and in despair due to her son’s death. She then cursed Lord Krishna the same way he will witness the same wrath and damage in the family. He too will lose his loved ones and will do War in the family.

Lord Krishna being the humblest and patient accepted the curse came from a mother.

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Krishna Accepted Death

After many years, the curse afflicted and Lord Krishna faced what was said. The war happened between the brothers. They killed each other. Krishna being upset with the activities, roaming in a forest alone sit under a tree to take some rest. A hunter bowed his arrow in the right feet of Lord Krishna understanding him  a deer. Then and there only, Krishna dies and darkness appeared.

Krishna symbolize light and hope, faith and good. He died and evil came up. With his death, dwaparyuga ended and Kali yuga started with a manifestation of demons, with the death of God and with the arise of wrong deeds.


The Mahabharata

The Mahabharata is the epic story personifying the human mind. the everyday life of a human being is based on the book. The sufferings, the failures, the angers, the success and everything that a human face. It shows that life goes on no matter what happens.

Today and in Mahabharata, everyone thinks that they are doing the right thing whether it is for their own good, someone else good, everyone’s good, etc.

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Andha Yuga – By Dharamvir Bharati

The book is a poem cum drama. The book is about the scene from  the Epic The Mahabharata. On the last day of the war, Sanjay narrating the results to blind Dhritrashtra. Gandhari being devastated on the loss of her all sons.

It depicts the mind and nature of Ashwathama and the end of Lord Krishna. Gandhari cursed Krishna and became the cause of Kali yuga. Krishna cursed Ashwathama to live for eternity and wander around the world. Ashwathama here symbolizes wrong deeds which live till eternity and never leave anyone’s soul.

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The End –

The end will come when the existence of God will be vanished. When even saints will nor chant God’s name. The end of this Yuga will be the end of human beings. The Kali is a manifestation of progressing towards “the end”.  The final and last avatar of Lord Vishnu will appear and destroy the evil residing here in the form of everyone.

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