Hatha Yoga is the practice of physical postures. It includes ashtanga, power yoga, vinyasa and iyengar in it. The word Hatha can be interpreted as forceful or willful. There are around 200 postures under this Yoga.
This yoga is designed to relax the body, mind and soul. This Yoga focus on releasing the stress, tension and connecting the breath with body joints leading to a peaceful mental and physical state. It aims in uniting and balancing the same.
Hatha Yoga using movement and breathing process together to develop into a flow of postures is known as flow based Hatha Yoga.
Once on a lonely island, Lord Shiva thinking that nobody is here to heat them, he gave the knowledge of Hatha Yoga to Goddess Parvati but a fish heard them and got the knowledge regarding Hatha Yoga. Later the fish became a Siddha called as Matsyendranath. He further gave this knowledge to his disciples and from there on the practice is continuing.
Swami Vivekananda introduced these practices into west side.
Principles Of Hatha Yoga
There are a total of eight limbs used to do in this Yoga. Six of them are:
• Asana
• Pranayama
• Pratyahara
• Dharana
• Dhyana
• Samādhi
They include the disciplines, postures, purification, gestures, breathing and meditation. Hatha Yoga is considered as the stress removal procedure.
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• It raises the level of physical essence of life.
• Eating habits improves and people start being healthy.
• It gives a relief from tension, stress and depression.
• Hatha Yoga practice aims at achieving salvation and strength.
• It reduces the panic attacks and make the mind clear to process things clearly.
• The person grasp things fast and work with energy.
• Serious injuries and joint pain can be killed by meditating.
• Vegetarian food plus regular practice of Hatha Yoga will prove the best medicine for any problem.
• It increases the body flexibility and gives power and strength.
• It helps in raising the confidence and self-esteem of an individual.
• It increases the concentration level and make mind sharp.
• Digestion and gas problems will be killed by practicing Hatha Yoga.
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