Tulsi Can Become Your Doctor

Tulsi is considered the holiest plant in Hindu mythology. It is the purest herb in Ayurveda. Many problems can be cured with the presence of basil leaves. Lets have a look on the following problems and their solutions with the help of Tulsi leaves.

If you are dealing with Headache very often then Tulsi leaves with sandalwood paste will be a treat to your head. Apply the paste on your forehead and you will be free from headache and heat.

Nowadays Stress is very common, you can release stress  with the help of Tulsi which gives a cooling effect to the body. One should chew around 12 leaves twice a day to prevent stress. It helps in purifying blood, soothing the nervous system and maintaining normal level of stress hormones.

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People who are not able to quit Smoking should follow Tulsi aids.  Tulsi is a strong anti stress herb. It reduces the stress level which leads to lesser urge to smoke. Tulsi fight all those damages which happened due to smoking since years. It gives a mint effect on throat which reduces the urge to smoke. Keep some leaves with you and whenever you feel to smoke, chew them.
People who have Kidney Stone  can take Tulsi juice mixed with honey will make the stone out from the urinary tract itself. You need to take it regularly for 6 months only.

If You Have Tulsi At Your Home. Do Not Angry Lord Vishnu.

Insect Bites can be treated with one tea spoon of Tulsi juice will be enough for the bites. Tulsi paste will treat the areas of bites. The herb is curative for leeches, insects stings and bites.

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Fever can be cured with Boiled Tulsi leaves in water and drinking that thrice a day. Fevers like dengue or malaria will be out of the body in two days only. Tulsi paste mixed in milk and sugar will bring down acute fevers.

People who face Breathing Problems take Tulsi paste with ginger and honey will be very effective for problems like asthma, cough, cold, influenza, etc. Also one can make Tulsi, salt and cloves boil in the water till it shrinks and drink it. Chewing Tulsi leaves will give relief to cold or flu.

Heart problems can be minimised with Tulsi in any form. It will be beneficial to heart patients. It helps in reducing the blood cholesterol also.

ulsi is a purifying herb. It will make your skin glow and prevent acne if eaten raw. Make a paste of these leaves and add in your face pack. It can cure serious Skin Problems like leucoderma and ring worms. It will be useful in removing itching too. Mix Tulsi leaves in coconut oil and apply on your scalp and hair fall will be reduced.

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People facing problems in Mouth take Tulsi leaves, raw or juice. It will cure ulcers and infection present in the mouth. Also, Tulsi boiled in water will cure sore throat.

Diabetes patients take Tulsi leaves as they are the best in herbs to control blood sugar levels and curing diabetes. The leaves helps in increasing the insulin sensitivity.

Eyes Disorders can be treated with Tulsi. It can cure night blindness and eyes infection. Make juice out of Tulsi leaves which will act as vitamin A. Also, one should put 2 drops of black Tulsi juice into the eyes everyday at bedtime.

People who have frequent Teeth Problems, Tulsi leaves helps in maintaining dental health, control bad breath and keeps gums strong. Tulsi paste mixed with mustered oil can be used as a tooth paste. Also, one can dry the leaves under Sun and use the powder of the leaves to brush the teeth.

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Some Quick Facts –
• Mythological context believes that it can ward off ghosts and evil spirits too.
• It is considered as a cure for night blindness.
• If taken with healthy diet, Tulsi helps in increasing metabolism which protects the body from losing weight.
• The person suffering from diabetes, Tulsi will work as an insulin.
• It contains Vitamin C which protects the heart from harmful radicals. It controls blood cholesterol level.
• Regular intake of basil leaves will make the immune system strong and keep the body away from infections.

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