Yoga and Religion – Are They Same ?

Yoga is a combination and a practice to unite mind, body and soul whereas Religion is a connection between soul and the God. There are several questions based on Yoga and Religion and the most asked is are they same or not ? Lets read.

The process of Yoga started 5000 years ago in India. It is derived from the philosophies of Hinduism, Jainism or Buddhism. The thoughts and ideas of Hinduism and Yoga are Vedic. The sources are also same which can formulate the idea of Hindus thinking Yoga as their Religion. For some people, Yoga can serve as a religion. They take it as a spiritual experience. They get confused with the idea of Yoga practice giving an impact on one’s religious beliefs.

Rashifal 2019


On the other hand the philosophies of Hinduism or Jainism should not be considered as a necessity to practice Yoga. Also, it is not necessary to leave your religious beliefs and rituals to practice it.

Eternal Unification – Yoga.

For example – Ahimsa that is Non- Violence is the principle philosophy of Indians and Indian beliefs. Similarly some people quit Non- Vegetarian food to practice Yoga. They take it as violence of animals and believe it that it should not be done by Yoga practitioners. Though, it is not a compulsion but a free choice of every being to decide for themselves, still people do that.

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There are several theories involved in the Yoga like the Ashtanga that is eight limbed path provided the spiritual growth and the control over body and mind. People who regularly practice Yoga have seen and experienced that it actually helps in discovering our own will, power and strengthening our faith.

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