Donation can bring endless benefits in your life but only if doing the right way. Although helping someone or donating something will be a plus point in your good karmas but doing it according to your planets and set dates will be a bit more auspicious and beneficial.
• Donating anything except food on the day of Nirjala Ekadashi will be very fortunate.
• One should donate during solar and lunar eclipse.
• Ramnavami, Janmashtami and the day after Janmashtami are auspicious for donations.
• Amavasya coming on Mondays will bring endless benefits after donations.
• Akshaya Tritiye, Sankranti, Poornima are fortunate days.
Let’s have a look on the following planetary donations.
Moon – Natives ruled by planet Moon should donate white cloth, curd, rice, ice-cream, silver items, sugar. It should be done preferable on Mondays.
Mars – Natives ruled by planet Mars should donate wheat, red cloth, ghee, copper, saffron, flowers, masoor daal. It should be done preferable on Tuesdays.
Charity Is The Ultimate Solution
Mercury – Natives ruled by planet Mercury should donate gold, green colored cloth, lentil, fruits, sugar, moong. It should be done preferable on Wednesdays.
Jupiter – Natives ruled by planet Jupiter should donate yellow colored cloth, grams, turmeric, saffron, ghee, books, fruits, brown sugar. It should be done preferable on Thursdays.
Venus – Natives ruled by planet Venus should donate silver items, candies, milk, sandalwood, curd, rice, white colored cloth. It should be done preferable on Fridays.
Saturn – Natives ruled by planet Saturn should donate black colored cloth, flowers, any type of oil, black nails, iron items, black cow. It should be done preferable on Saturdays.
Rahu – Natives ruled by planet Rahu should donate lead items, blue colored cloth, sesame seeds, blankets, mustered oil, reddish, 7 grains, gold. It should be done preferable on Sundays.
Ketu – Natives ruled by planet Ketu should donate blue-grey colored cloth, seven grain, coconut oil, blanket, knife, sugar, food to dogs. It should be done preferable on Sunday mornings.
Sun – Natives ruled by planet Sun should donate wheat, saffron, orange flowers, sandal wood. It should be done preferable on Sundays.
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Ten Other Types Of Donation –
1. Donation of cows directly or indirectly.
2. Donation of Land according to one’s ability
3. Donation of Gold (34 Grams).
4. Donation of Silver (2 Kilos).
5. Donation of clothes (8 yards).
6. Donation of grain/cereals (100 Kilo).
7. Donation of Ghee (20 Kilos).
8. Donation of Jaggery (13 Kilos).
9. Donation of Sesame (18 Kg).
10. Donation of Salt (135 Kg).
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