Gemini Horoscope 2017, Gemini Rashifal 2017, Gemini Astrology


Acharya Raman
Vedic & KP System Astrologer

Gemini Horoscope 2017 shows that, the year will begin with Saturn in Scorpio till 26th January and on 26th it will enter into Sagittarius. It will get retrograde on 6th April and till 25th August it will be so. It will get direct on 25th August. It will enter Scorpio on 21st June and on 26th October it will move back into Sagittarius. Jupiter will be in Virgo till 12th September 2017. It will get retrograde on 6th February and will become direct on 9th June. Rahu will be transiting Leo till 18th August 2017 and on 18th it will enter Cancer. Ketu will be in Aquarius till 18th August and on 18th it will enter Capricorn. Venus will enter into Pisces on 27th January and it will remain therefore a long time till 31st may when it goes into Aries.

You are reading Gemini Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year

Gemini Horoscope 2017, After that it has a smooth motion forward. It will retrograde on 4th March till 15th April and will get combust from 30th April to 13th July. I will be telling you the major things you can expect this year and problems you may face along with the remedies which will make your life easier. Kindly note that changes of major planets have deeper effect on native than other planets thus they are considered firstly to judge the impact on your life broadly. For precise study on your natal horoscope please buy our annual horoscope service.

Rashifal 2019


  • Family Life: Gemini horoscope 2017 shows that,  those who are running the dasa of Saturn or ketu will have a very bad time as far as family happiness is concerned , particularly husband and wife relations. There will be misunderstandings, suspicions, heated arguments over foolish things and show of ego which actually might destroy things beyond repair. Untill unless Saturn reaches aquarius, you will be facing these issues every now and then if you are going through the period of it or ketu. Ketu being in sign of Saturn will be acting like Saturn. Those with rahu dasa will also face the same song, It could be more pronounced then the rest of the two so be careful. Rahu is this house has all the powers to proceed the separation between the couples.

Read your Gemini Horoscope 2017 and plan your year accordingly

Health: Health is another front where you need to be careful, Ketu in 8th or rahu in 2nd are both not good for health overall. Saturn being the lord of the 8th will be giving weakness and lethargy to you. Acute acidity, eye related issues may occur to you.

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  • Finance: For Gemini Horoscope 2017, For stable finances make sure that you keep all the money in some kind of saving which you cannot break and spend. Something more secure than fixed deposits. Do not try to be over smart otherwise you will bite the dust. There are very chances of losses and cheat this year so be careful. The other thing is thefts which may happen in your home, office or while you are on travel. Finance is at risk this year and after august you should remain very careful. The time between 1st august to 30th august will be bringing some news in these matters.

Read your Gemini Horoscope 2017 and plan your year accordingly 

  • Those running Saturn dasa should be well prepared for the coming 5-6 years when Saturn reaches 9th house, and those with Jupiter period too will see Jupiter going in negative houses every year till it also reaches your 9th So keep strict vigils on your finances starting this year.

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  • Career: For natives running the period of Saturn will be saddening as far as career growth is concerned because it will not allow you to reach high at your work sphere, but those with Jupiter dasa will see a rise in their career graphs for 2 years and then sudden decline in horoscope 2017. The upsurge will come when Jupiter will be in 9th bhava, People with rahu as dasa lord will be good till august and same will go with people running ketu dasa. After august there are chances of unexpected sudden changes which will be of negative nature. Those running ketu dasa should be very cautious otherwise there are high chances of facing disreputation and shame. You may be wrongly accused of some immoral act in your work place.

You are reading Gemini Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year

  • Business: For Gemini Horoscope 2017, Business people will face sluggishness, so will self employed people. You should be careful if you are passing through the periods of Saturn, Ketu, Rahu as they will cause you losses and mental agony from time to time. Mainly natives of Saturn and Ketu dasa should remain cautious for coming 5-6 years and do not take decisions based on emotions and ego otherwise you will fall from where your are today and some will not be able to stand again ever.

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  • Romance: Venus is going to be busy in Pisces, the sign of its exaltation till may and on 31st may it will enter Aries. Those, running the period of Venus, will find love for themselves but be careful between 30th April to 13TH July regarding your love matters in horoscope 2017.  Those with Saturn or rahu or ketu DBA may see end of a long relationship in a very bad way.

Read your Gemini Horoscope 2017 and plan your year accordingly

  • Sex Life: For Gemini Horoscope 2017, The planets are accumulated in a way that you will get erotic thoughts a lot this year and there will be deliberate attempt from your end to have intercourse. This could make you do things to the level of immorality and incest is also not ruled out for people with ketu dasa going on in this period. After 18th august you may become prey to your sexual urges.

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  • Days of Caution: The whole year seems to be a time when you should be careful and most of the timings I have told above in relevant places.

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  • Remedial Astrology: For Gemini horoscope 2017, people it is good to wear Emerald, recite “Ganapati Atharv sheersh stotra” daily twice and a locket of lord Ganesha if passing through DBA OF Ketu, Rahu or Saturn. For others there is no such need to perform any particular remedy.

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