Leo Horoscope/Rashifal 2017 by Acharya Raman

The year will begin with Saturn in Scorpio till 26th January and on 26th it will enter into Sagittarius. It will get retrograde on 6th April and till 25th August it will be so. It will get direct on 25th August.

Leo Rashifal 2017

It will enter Scorpio on 21st June and on 26th October it will move back into Sagittarius. Jupiter will be in Virgo till 12th September 2017. It will get retrograde on 6th February and will become direct on 9th June.

Rahu will be transiting Leo till 18th August 2017 and on 18th it will enter Cancer. Ketu will be in Aquarius till 18th August and on 18th it will enter Capricorn. Venus will enter into Pisces on 27th January and it will remain therefore a long time till 31st may when it goes into Aries. After that it has a smooth motion forward.

Rashifal 2019


It will retrograde on 4th March till 15th April and will get combust from 30th April to 13th July. I will be telling you the major things you can expect this year and problems you may face along with the remedies which will make your life easier.

Kindly note that changes of major planets have deeper effect on native than other planets thus they are considered firstly to judge the impact on your life broadly. For precise study on your natal horoscope please buy our annual horoscope service.

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  • Family life: Till September you will feel the blessing of the benefic planet Jupiter. It will change to Libra on 12th But till then you will have all the goodness with you. Your family life will be very adjusting and cooperative but not with your spouse. With your spouse there will be disagreements and confusions. There is possibility that you might use abusive language too to show your anger and frustration. Rahu will be creating mental problems off and on. Ketu will be causing dislike towards your spouse. The best thing to do will be to listen more and speak less. Do not think the unthinkable and do not say the words which might hurt other`s feelings. Words, once said can never be taken back and damage deeper than we think. There is good chance of increase in your family size by way of child birth. There will be celebrations and many good occasions between family members.

Read Leo Horoscope 2017 and Plan your year accordingly

  • After 12th September things will start to improve between you and your spouse. There will be slow acceptance of each other’s identity and self respect. Saturn will be another spoilsport for you because it will transit to your 5th bhava causing problems in married life and relations with other people. Saturn`s transit will be bad not only for coming 2.5 years but till it reaches Aries and that will be after 10 years from now so if you are going through Saturn dasa and mercury or ketu antara then be careful and take remedial measures. So people with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu dasa will be at loss and others will have an advantage.

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  • Health: Leo Horoscope 2017, Health issues will be suffered most by people passing through the dasa of Saturn,rahu and ketu. If your current dasa lord is in star of any of these planets then also there will same hazard. The problems which will be faced will be lack of activeness- lethargic attitude, negative impressions about people, sex organ related issues, blood impurities, mental dissatisfaction.

You are reading Leo Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year

  • Finance: Finance will be good and you will be able to earn and accumulate money due to Jupiter in your dhan bhaava. But after September there will be decrease in your profits and balances. Those natives who are running mercury – Jupiter with mercury in own star and Jupiter in mercury star will amass a lot of wealth this year round. Those with Saturn dasa and mercury antara will also get profits as Saturn is going to be in mercury star whole of this year. No matter how much you might have accumulated or earned, be careful if you are having rahu or ketu as your dasha lord as it can make you take wrong decisions and lose some or a lot of it. Ego is very much pomped by these two and in ego man makes the biggest mistakes of his life.

Read Leo Horoscope 2017 and Plan your year accordingly

  • Career: Venus is your 10th house lord. It will be wasting time till 31st may due to its retrogression and combustion it will become correct after 13th Natives with Jupiter dasa will have good time and also due to ketu dasa there will be progress in carreer. Those with Saturn dasa or antara will face negative vibes in their career span. In august, Rahu-Ketu will change signs. That time will be important for career changes. Those looking for a change should try at that time.

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  • Business: Leo Rashifal 2017, Business people will make good progress except those with ongoing ketu dasa. Those with dasa except that of rahu-ketu-saturn will do well. Avoid the time when Venus is combust, to star new things or investing. Saturn will be in 5th house which will ensure failures of investments so keep away from them. Rahu will also transit to 12th bhava in august, thus it will be good that you do not risk your savings or bank loans and keep doing steadily what you were doing and wait for a better time. There is a long wait from this year for many of you to taste success.

You are reading Leo Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year

  • Romance: Romance will be a very foolish and futile idea so better focus on improving your work performance. Many people will see end of their love matters this year. There will be emotional imbalance due to this and things will be difficult to cope up so why take this turn which leads towards sadness. Better you go to some gym or yoga classes and work hard on yourself instead of someone else.

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  • Sex Life: You will not enjoy sex this year for many reasons. You will feel a detachment from sexual acts and that will continue till august. You will also have some medical issues related to your generative organs. You may acquire some fatal disease too so be careful.

Read Leo Horoscope 2017 and Plan your year accordingly

  • Days of Caution: 1st to 15th July is the time when you should not do major things. You should also try to avoid the 10-15 days prior and after Jupiter and Saturn turn retrograde or combust.

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  • Remedial Astrology: You should recite aaditya hriday stotra, hanuman chalisa and kanakdhaara stortra, shree suktam to maintain peace of mind. You can also wear energized opal, talisman for rahu-ketu if you are having their dasas. www.gemsvidhi.com

You can generate free Janam Kundali online and get to know everything about the remaining months of 2017.

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