The four candidates are current RBI Deputy Governor Urjit Patel, former deputy governors Rakesh Mohan and Subir Gokarn, and State Bank of India Chairman Arundhati Bhattacharya.
I take liberty to use horary astrology to predict the possible next RBI Governor.
I assign the horary number (seed) for each candidate randomly selected as follows:
1. Urjit Patel (Seed 017) time 11:59:23
02 July 2016, Chandigarh, India
Ascendant: Aries, Ascendant lord is Mars
Dasa is Moon
Moon is representing house number 1 and 4. Moon is in star lord Moon representing houses 1,4 and in sublord Saturn representing houses 7,10,11.
Bhukti is Saturn
Saturn is representing house number 7,10 and 11. Saturn is in star lord Mercury representing houses 2,3,6 and in sublord Mercury representing houses 2,3,6.
Gemini Annual Horoscope 2017. Read Here.
Antar is Rahu
Rahu is representing house number 3,5,7,9,10,11 and 12. Rahu is in star lord Venus representing houses 2,3,7 and in sublord Jupiter representing houses 5, 9, 12.
2, 6, 10, 11 are positive/ 6,8,12 are negative.
6 plays a dual role but its priority is 8, 12.
Moon is 10, 11 means very good. Saturn is 2, 6, 10,11 means excellent. Rahu is 2, 10, 11 and 12 both means good.
2. Rakesh Mohan (Seed 075) time 12:00:04
02 July 2016, Chandigarh, India
Ascendant: Cancer, Ascendant lord is Moon
Dasa is Moon
Moon is representing house number 1 and 11. Moon is in star lord Moon representing houses 1,11 and in sublord Saturn representing houses 5,7,8.
Bhukti is Saturn
Saturn is representing house number 5,7 and 8. Saturn is in star lord Mercury representing houses 3,11,12 and in sublord Mercury representing houses 3,11,12.
Antar is Rahu
Rahu is representing house number 2,5,6,7,8,9 and 11. Rahu is in star lord Venus representing houses 4,11,12 and in sublord Jupiter representing houses 2,6,9.
Moon is 11 means very good. Saturn is 11 and 12 both means mix. Rahu is 2,11 and 6,8,12 both means bad.
3. Subir Gokarn (Seed 138) time 12:00:35
02 July 2016, Chandigarh, India
Cancer Annual Horoscoe 2017. Read here.
Ascendant: Libra, Ascendant lord is Venus
Dasa is Moon
Moon is representing house number 7 and 10. Moon is in star lord Moon representing houses 7,10 and in sublord Saturn representing houses 1,4,5.
Bhukti is Saturn
Saturn is representing house number 1,4 and 5. Saturn is in star lord Mercury representing houses 8,9,12 and in sublord Mercury representing houses 8,9,12.
Antar is Rahu
Rahu is representing house number 1,3,4,5,6,8,10 and 11. Rahu is in star lord Venus representing houses 1,8,9 and in sublord Jupiter representing houses 3,6,10.
Moon is 10 means good. Saturn is 8,12 very bad. Rahu is 10,11 and 6,8 both means obstacles.
4. Arundhati Bhattacharya (Seed 181) time 11:58:32
02 July 2016, Chandigarh, India
Ascendant: Sagittarius, Ascendant lord is Jupiter
Dasa is Moon
Moon is representing house number 5 and 8. Moon is in star lord Moon representing houses 5,8 and in sublord Saturn representing houses 2,11.
Bhukti is Saturn
Saturn is representing house number 2 and 11. Saturn is in star lord Mercury representing houses 6,7,9 and in sublord Mercury representing houses 6,7,9.
Antar is Rahu
Rahu is representing house number 1,2,3,6,8 and 11. Rahu is in star lord Venus representing houses 5,6,7,10 and in sublord Jupiter representing houses 1,3,8.
Moon is 2,11 means good. Saturn is 2,6,11 very good. Rahu is 2,10,11 and 6,8 both means obstacles.
Prediction: Although Arundhati Bhattacharya is a strong candidate yet, the next RBI Governor will be Urjit Patel.
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