Hillary Clinton and her win in Question – Astrological View.

Will Hillary Clinton become the President of USA ? What will be the effects on the relationship between Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, if she becomes the president of USA”.

Many questions are arising on this event. Here, I predicted on the above questions. She is born on 26 October, 1947. Her zodiac is Scorpio. Let’s have a look on the possibilities according to her birth chart –

Rashifal 2019


7th house is the house of married life. In her birth chart, the sub lord of 7th house is Moon and Mercury and Venus are placed in 11th house with Ketu in 5th house.

Ketu may bring a temporary separation between them but it will be for good. The connection of 5th and 11th house will be beneficial for them.
Months like February, March and April, 2018 will be stressful for Bill Clinton.

Birth Stone

The date of elections is 8th of November, 2016. Hillary Clinton is running from the Mahadasha of Sun from January 2015 and Saturn is placed in 8th house which will give her stress and pressure.

She was selected as a nominee because of benefic Jupiter in the 7th house but her win is not sure as Jupiter will move to 8th house after August.

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