The Taurus Native

Taurus Ascendant

Bull, the representative of a typical Taurus personality. He is a man, who has his goals set and clear. Girls look upon, them as the firm support in their life and have always wished for a partner like him. A Taurus personality, like a bull seldom rushes to the toes and offer,

Who is a Taurus ascendant?

At the time of your birth the sign rising on the eastern horizon was taurus, thus your ascendant is taurus. It represented by the bull.

Let’s explore about the basic traits and the personality that defines a Taurus person:

Taurus person is a literal travel bug, who has gone to every third place in the world and has been to places, for twice in their life. It is to be believed that the most fertile places to look for the Taurus people would be a farm, a bank or a real-estate office, but you will be amazed to know, that a person who is a Taurus ascendant, is a self-made and nothing can ever change him.

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One of the distinctive qualities that define a pure Taurian is the basic nature of them being of calm, strong and silent attitude.

They are pretty silent and smart in their way of speech, you would always tend to notice only the general ways of expressing, which are the ones, which are: Yep, Nope, Thanks, So long, and will majorly be yep, Nope etc.

That is how, the Taurus people have been well distinguished from the rest.

The major professions in which the Taurus people have been widely observed are:

They can be: Engineers, Movie stars, clerks, gardeners, kings and the queens. Chimney sweepers. Butchers, bakers and the candlestick makers or the relevant professions in the society, which are some of the common spheres, for the people who are Taurus, who have a little gabbier nature, if have a strong Gemini, Aries or Sagittarius influence from their birth and hence would prefer to walk alone.

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Taurians are clearly different from others as they move deliberately and speak sparingly.

One can compare them with the Gibraltar, like whom they are solid and steady. & nothing can disturb their tranquility.

They are the people who will never budge a pinch, no matter, if you happen to be beating drums in their head, irritating them with all the best of your efforts or even if you shout at the top of your lungs.

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Extremely stable they are, some of the Taurus people are like a huge rock that they only change only once or twice in their whole life time. That is the degree of the control that they have on them.

Taurus people are firm and they are the personalities who cannot be influenced easily.

Famous Taurus Personalities:

  • Fred Astaire
  • Ella Fitzgerald
  • Bertrand Russel
  • William Shakespeare
  • Bishop Fulton Sheen

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