Happy Janamashtami.

Janamashtami is celebrated on the 8th  lunar day of Krishna Paksha in the month of bhadon that is August.

This year the birth will be celebrated on 25th of August at 12 pm in the night and the celebration of Dahi Handi will be conducted on 26th of august.

People who want to observe  a fast on the day of Janamashtami that is 25th of August should eat one meal the day before. The fast will end on the next day that is 26th after the ashtami date is over.

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The famous Prasad offered in the temples during Janamashtami is Panchamrit that is a mixture of 5 things – milk, honey, ghee, curd and Tulsi leaves.

There is a ritual of giving swings to Lord Krishna child idol on a cradle. This ritual gives immense happiness and holy vibrations to the person doing it.

Fasting rule says that no grains should be consumed until fast. Celebrate and worship Lord Krishna and enjoy the festival. May you be blessed with lots of happiness. Happy Janamashtami.

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