Increasing sexual desires among humans:
Humans are supposed to live by certain rules so that they don’t do harm to each other. It is called moral science or ethics. Every religion usually preaches to live in harmony and peace and take care of the neighbor too.
What we are seeing in the today`s world is exactly opposite. No one cares for other person; people living in the same building do not who is living next to them. People in the slum areas show more compassion towards each other than people living in flats worth crores.
Teenagers are getting pregnant, rapes and atrocities are increasing, brothers are killing brothers for women, land, anything. Egos are getting inflated more than hot air balloons. The power of sex, ego, money, muscle is increasing exponentially.
Ancient Hindus believed in peace of mind and not money in mind. Now we see that people from all religions and walks of life want money in mind, pocket, bank, in their pillows, drawers – anywhere where they can hide it safely. Only when there is a raid then we come to know that this person had hidden his money in bathroom flush, beneath the tiles and so on. So what happened to so called great Hindus?
Ravana was a great scholar but his lust ego and greed overshadowed his brain and he met a brutal death.
In today`s scenario sex related crimes are increasing overwhelmingly. From Babas to Politicians, all seem to be in a race of who can commit more sins. The last part of Shree Ram charit Manas, “uttar kand” deals with this yuga called kaliyuga and tells its traits. Sadly, all that has been mentioned in it is coming true as told 500 years ago.
For every human action there is an astrological reason too. No one can deny the vastness of astrology. The planet of sex and beauty – Venus is getting more and more powerful since the beginning of 19th century and all these bad traits are part of effect of Venus on humanity as a whole. Planets like Mars, Venus and Rahu are major contributors to make a person walk on the wrong path. Sexual behaviors are very deeply affected by these planets.
Venus is the main planet governing sex and thoughts related to sexual acts. But only thought cannot do anything, Mars or Rahu provide the native with the required will power and aggression to go ahead and fulfill his lust. This leads to incest, rapes, Prostitution, extramarital affairs, Gay sex, and Lesbian sex – whatever one can imagine. Western Astrologers take note of Pluto, Neptune etc but I don’t consider them.
The affliction to moon and related houses, combined with conjunctions of some types makes a male or a female indulge into these immoral activities.
Venus is the chief governor or media, films, music, literature etc. There are so many famous people from these trades who have not only married twice but had extramarital relations even after that. There is always some or the other personality exposed by world media. This is no secret and we all know it. In fact, ability to have sex is the first criteria if one wants to go into film or television industry – it is rumored so. The connection is obvious as the planet is the same which controls both.
When affliction to Venus is severe and houses 8th and 12th are also connected then it becomes very much impossible for a man to control his desires and he can go to any limit to have sex. Same goes with females.
Such people are always thinking about sex only, but from the front they seem to be very soft and sweet spoken. You can see the faces and speeches of recently arrested Babas, sadhvi`s, Corporate entities and their sins – which are all in the media.
I have come across such “great” people and found that they have very bad positions of mars, Venus, rahu and connection with bad houses. These people are always thinking talking about intercourse and enhancing their sex powers by use of black magic, aphrodisiacs, visiting to miraculous saints etc.
Society is made by humans and it is bound to have all kind of good as well as bad people. Just because of one, we cannot blame all. What we need is proper moral guidance from the beginning. Our justice system also needs to toughen up and free itself from the clutches of ugly politicians. Police needs to be given free hand.
Latest example is the arrested rapist baba ramrahim of haryana.
By Acharya Raman
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