These Yogs become Hurdles in having Children.

Children complete the lives of couples. They are important and people who are facing problems to conceive undergo many treatments. The most important scenario is of the planets. There are certain combinations and placements due to which one is not able to become a parent. One can find out the reason behind and the remedy of the problem through astrology –

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According to the Vedic astrology, 5th house is the responsible house for children among all 12 houses in the birth chart.

If the birth chart consists of strong 5th house or have positive planets sitting then the possibility of having a healthy baby increases.

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While on the other hand, if there are enemy planets sitting in the 5th house or giving a bad sight then there occurs hurdles in having children.
Sun present in the 5th house also gives negative effects. Any type of eclipse (grahan) or malefic

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Venus also creates obstacles in giving children happiness.

Mahadasha and Antardasha of the ruling planet of 5th house gives major possibilities of becoming a parent. Also, planets who are giving an evil sight on the 5th house also create problems.

Never bring these things at home, else be ready for poverty.

If you are facing problems in begetting children then surely worship Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati with child Ganesha. This remedy will surely give you that one special happiness.

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