– Saturn in first house in the birth chart will make the native irresponsible and lazy.
– He will be a poor communicator.
– The person will not be able to take opportunities due to his laziness.
– The native will face continuous sickness and gas problems in childhood with Saturn in fourth house of the birth chart.
– He will not be able to access his paternal property.
– He will be disliked by his relatives.
Buy Shani Yantra to reduce the negative effects.
Lal Kitab Remedies
– The native must feed crows regularly for 43 days.
– Donating iron made products will also pacify the bad effects of Saturn in 1st and 4th house of the birth chart.
Check your Lal Kitab Horsocope here.
Lal Kitab Remedies
– Worship Lord Saturn and offer oil in his temple. This remedy is a must if the native is suffering due to Saturn.
– Feed stray dogs with bread and milk regularly and especially on Saturdays.
Lal Kitab remedies for Malefic Mars.
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