Will there be Divorce between Abhisheik and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

There is always a discussion about celebs and their personal life. These gossips will go viral when something odd happens in their life. My friend asked about the prospects of Abhishek and Aiswarya’s marital life amidst some recent happenings. His question is “will there be divorce between them?” He gave no.146 for analysis:


We have to look into the sub-lord of 7th house to know the duration of marital life and sub lord of 11th house about the quality of marital life. If they are connected with 2-5-7-11 houses there will be positive atmosphere conversely if connected with 6-8-12 houses there may be unfortunate happenings.

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Here the sub lord of 7th house is Rahu; he is in 10th house (his stars are occupied) in the star of Venus, lord of the 7th house in 11th house, and sub of Mars in Asc. Here Mars is in the star of Mercury, lord of the 8th house in 10th house. Therefore Rahu is connected with 7-11 houses at star level and 8-10 houses at sub level. Therefore something disturbing happened between them. As it is Mercury there may be “false news” that caused disturbance between them.

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In my recent observation I came to know that “if the star of a planet is un-occupied then planets in its sub division will become powerful for its significations. In such a case those planets will act like the planet itself”. In his case, Jupiter is lord of 2-5 houses in 11th house. Its stars are unoccupied but Saturn, Mars and Moon are in the sub-division of Jupiter. Therefore they will act as Jupiter itself. Hence for Rahu we have to include 2-5-11 house results at sub-level! Here Mercury is retro whereas Jupiter is direct thus powerful than mercury. We can assume that the significations of Jupiter will prevail.

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I came to the conclusion that there will not be separation or divorce for them.

The sub lord of 11th house is Saturn. He is in Asc along with Mars and posited in own star – Jupiter sub division! Therefore Saturn is strong for 2-5-10-11 houses. It seems to me that there may not be much love and affection but it is the children that are the reason for their unbroken marital relationship.

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