Some Yogas in chart: Modern Perspective

1)    Budh Aditya Yoga: This yoga is formed when Sun and Mercury are conjoined in a horoscope. You will find that this is a very common yoga and will exist in every third or fourth horoscope. The reason simply is Sun and Mercury are never too far away so they can be away only by one sign and never more than that. The result of this yoga is that person is intelligent and this is benefifical for technical education, software, analytical skills etc. But there should be at least 10 degree separation between Sun and Mercury otherwise Mercury will become com-bust and lose its positive traits.

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2)    Gaj Kesari Yoga: This yoga is formed when Jupiter is in an angle from moon in natal horoscope. Generally, a lot is written about this yoga in old texts but it is not very digestible. Actually the major result of this yoga is that the native is able to get things done in adverse conditions also. He will get help from unknown quarters. So if you have this yoga then don’t think too much positive about it. Most of the times, this yoga does not have its full potential which an astrologer only can assess and thus the native does not get any benefits.

The above horoscope has weak Gajkesari yoga, still the native has enjoyed lot of support in his life. The chart also has budhaditya yoga and some other yogas.

3)    Kemdrum Yoga: This yoga is formed when there is no planet on either side of moon in a chart. The result is that the native is dirty, poor and ever dependant on others. This a very evil yoga and I have seen horoscopes where this yoga existed and the native suffered througout his life. Some say that this yoga is cancelled when there are planets in an angle from moon or the ascendant in a horoscope. When Jupiter or venus aspect moon in rasi or navansha. In any case, Moon in chart should not be afflicted or there should be negation to the afflictions otherwise the life of the native gets disturbed off and on.

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This  chart has kemdrum yoga and its cancellation, Gajkesari yoga, Budhaditya yoga all three of them. There are planets in an angle from moon and ascendant both, moon is in own sign and has aspect of Jupiter. Thus the kemdrum yoga is cancelled. Jupiter is in and angle from moon forming gajkesari yoga and the conjunction of sun and mercury is forming budhaditya yoga in the horoscope.
4)    Parijaat Yoga: The house in which the lord of the ascendant is situated, in that house the lord of its dispositor is situated or the lord of navansha is situated. Or the house in which the lord of the ascendant is situated, that house lord is situated in an angle or a trine in own or exalted sign then this yoga is formed.

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In this chart, the lord of the ascendant – which is saturn is situated in Gemini, the lord of the sign is in a trine in own sign. The navansha lord of saturn is saturn himself, in own sign,  in an angle in navansha. Thus the yoga is formed in full capacity in this horoscope.
The result as said about this yoga is that the native enjoys a better life in his middle and last phases of life. He gets honored by the powerful, rich and famous of the prevailing society.
5)    Chatuhsagar yoga:  When there are planets in all the angles in a horoscope then this yoga is formed. The result is that native is very respected, long lived and wealthy person and will travel four seas.

In this  chart, all the angles are having planets, the native is a world famous Indian classical singer. (Female)

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By Acharya Raman

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