Personality Traits According To Your Day Of Birth

Monday: Moon Day

People who are born on Monday are generally modest and humble. They are always looking for a peaceful life. But, on the other hand they may be a little skeptical and unstable to take any important decisions in life. They always have a liking for blue color but should wear green color as often as possible to receive positivity in life.

Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

Tuesday: Day Of Planet ‘Mars’

The main and dominant characteristics of the person born on Tuesday are open minded, active, disciplined and truthful. They always tend to have a dynamic personality which has a argumentative side associated with it. They have a liking for red color but should also wear orange and brown color.

Daily Horoscope

Wednesday: Day Of Planet ‘Mercury’

People born on the Wednesday are extremely capable of doing and achieving everything they set their heart on. Always looking for an adventurous life and have a tendency to get bored easily. They want their life to be a fiction play and therefore they require a reality check in life. They have a fascination for yellow color but blue color should also be taken in consideration as it is helpful for them to calm their nerves.

Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

Thursday: Day Of Planet ‘ Jupiter’

Thursday born people are generally great philosophers and they have their own way of approaching problems and difficulties in life. They don’t want sadness to enter in their lives, they are always looking for ways to cheer up themselves and others. Highly realistic people, they don’t believe in making castles in air and always have a realistic approach in life. They need to be surrounded by blue color to calm aggression, extroversion and increase sensitivity, tenderness and humanity.

Friday: Day of Planet ‘Venus’

Cheerful, Vibrant, positive and helpful are the characteristics that truly depicts a person born on the fifth day of the week that is Friday. Friday born people are travel freaks and love to explore the world on their own. They are highly energetic and ambitious to achieve their dreams and goals in life. But, on the other hand they lack good sense of judgment. They should be surrounded by green color which helps to establish the balance.

Weekly Horoscope

Saturday: Day of Planet ‘Saturn’

Serious, Sensible, calm and adaptable are the qualities that depicts the nature and personality of the person born on Saturday. Person who are born on this day love silence, they are precise and a lover of details in the smallest details. They like white and black color, but are recommended to use yellow as it makes them active and cheerful.

Sunday: Day of The ‘Sun’

Highly enthusiastic, confident, witty and generous are the true characteristics of the person who are born on Sunday. They are sensitive, altruists and naive optimists. Their enthusiasm and senses are in balance. They are profound, dignified, just, and decisive. They should wear white because it helps them to calm down their need to seek for the impossible.

Monthly Horoscope

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