While discussing with a friend about Tamil Nadu politics I got a thought that “is there possibility for a female person to control Tamil Nadu?” I immediately prepared the following horoscope:
Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
Here Asc denotes Tamil Nadu state and the 10th house there from is the ruling government. Here Asc is Aries and Capricorn rules the tenth house from it. As per KP, Moon is the sub lord. She is in Virgo in own star and sub of Venus. Therefore Moon is strongly connected with 6-11 houses along with female sign Virgo as well as feminine planet Moon. Therefore power and influence of a female person is quite evident.
Period ruling is that of Moon-Venus till Oct 2018. It is said that nodes are always powerful than planets. Mars is in 11th house along with Kethu and Rahu is in the star of Kethu. Rahu is also the sub lord for 11th house. Hence I pitched upon Moon-Venus-Rahu period between March-June 2017. I think this is the time for the “female person” to tighten the grip over TN.
Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
This article is purely out of academic interest without any bias on my part.
Good Luck
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