How to Know if it is Black Magic or Disease: KP analysis

The following is the horoscope of a person facing psychological problem. Family members feeling it to be black magic whereas doctors opine it to be only a psychological disturbance:

Black Magic or Disease

As per KP 8th house denotes psychological disorder whereas 12th house is for black magic coz it is a secret activity done by secret enemies.

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Daily Horoscope

In astrology sometimes karakatwa plays a vital role. Moon is for mind and always Saturn and Kethu work against the principle of mind.  Reason is that Saturn is the slowest planet whereas Moon is fastest; Kethu is for Moksha or withdrawal from these worldly ties whereas Moon is for indulging into this world. Whenever these planets connect with 6-8-12 houses there may be psychological disorders. It is said that Kethu afflicting Moon may cause “pretha baadha” or haunting.

In this horoscope, 8th house falls in Moon- Rahu zone whereas 12th house is in Moon-Saturn zone. There is no planet in the star of Saturn and he is in 8th house in the star of Mars and Moon sub. Moon is in Asc in the star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn. There is a connection between Moon-Saturn through sub division. Native developed this problems right from the commencement of Saturn-Moon period in Jun 2016!

Weekly Horoscope

Therefore I predicted that this problem may come to end by Jan 2018 (completion of Saturn-Moon period). Mars sub period will bring cure as he is in the sub of Venus sub-lord of 5-11 houses. Cure is possible through a female doctor or psychologist as Venus is in female sign in the star of Mercury lord of 4th house (profession of opponent).

Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

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It’s a disease as Saturn is aspecting 6th house of disease. But I added that it might be a disturbance caused by “bad eye” as the sub lord of 6th house is in 12th house in the star of Moon! I suggested visiting any “saint” as Mars is promising cure. Remedies supported by human effort may yield positive result only when the horoscope is strong!

Monthly Horoscope

Good Luck

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