Aamir khan: A nationalist or an oppurtunist

Aaamir Khan The Bollywood Superstar

Few days back there was a rush to return the awards by some people who are supposed to be intellectuals of the society. Side by side there was a debate going on about the increasing “intolerance” in the country and people like Aamir Khan, Shahrukh Khan said yes it is getting increased and things are getting worse. When the movie of Shahrukh khan was about to release he came on television and said sorry for his comments. Doing same, Aamir khan also came and said sorry because his movie is also about to be released. So is there really any depth in their character or they are just money making machines and can go to any extent to make profits. So one day they can sell the nation to Pakistanis or other enemies of India for the sake of money in the name of their God or religion. Such people do not have any religion as far as I think. They have no respect for lives of common man and think themselves superior to others though they use same organs to perform daily deeds which any other human being on the planet does. This are the things which are being said about him in social media and are not my opinion. I am not going to watch any movie of these people ever again in my life. I lost all the respect I had for these money hungry people.

Horoscope 2025


Being an astrologer, I thought I will see his horoscope and try to come to a conclusion about his mentality. He has married twice and is in touch with his first wife still. There were some issues in his family long back.

Date of Birth: 14-3-1965

Time of birth: 6:15

Place of birth: Bombay


He is an Aquarius Ascendant native with moon in cancer. He has Mars in his seventh house. It is aspected by Saturn, Sun and Venus. No wonder his first marriage ended legally because of the affliction to seventh house. He has a very good conjunction of bhagyesh, lagnesh, saptamesh happening in his ascendant itself. His seventh cusp sublord is rahu in Mars star. Both are separative planets.

Janam Kundali


A person having conjunction of Saturn-Venus-Sun in ascendant “The native suffers from painful diseases and does not have a good character. He may also be defamed publicly for his acts” The aspect of Saturn on 7th bhava and Saturn Venus conjunction is not good for moral behavior of a native. This is a very common phenomenon. Venus being the ninth house lord in ascendant is also creating a rajayoga for him. This is one of the reasons of his grand success in his life. His attitude of doing things perfectly and meticulously is due to this placement of Venus. Though Venus is combust but still it has given the results to a great extent.

He has Sasa yoga which is one of the panch mahapurush yoga and sunafa and vesi yogas in his chart.

He is presently passing through Sun mahadasha and Jupiter antara. It is in this Sun mahadasha he said that his wife is afraid in this country and she wants to live somewhere else and this statement created furors across the nation. Sun is the lord of seventh house. No wonder he quoted his wife as saying such.

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Professionally he is going through a good phase and his movie will be a hit if not in India then outside India. Many of his ardent fans, like me, will not be watching his movies anymore. But world is a huge market and he will find takers somewhere. Coming to the point of whether he is a nationalist or an opportunist- as per his chart I feel we are going to see many such statements in time to come from him. The sun dasa will provoke him to say things which people will not like. He will become egoistic and manipulative as the time will pass by. He may also leave his second wife in time to come; there is a strong possibility of this in his horoscope.

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His first love marriage was on 18th April 1986 in Mercury dasa Saturn antara at the age of 21 years. This is the effect of the yoga – 7th house in ascendant. This yoga also makes one marry twice in many cases. His second marriage was on 28th December 2005 in Venus dasa and Jupiter antara. Again love marriage. I wonder a man with so much of love for women in his heart – how can he hate the nation which has given him so much- his identity. More over , Venus in ascendant makes one very selfish and greedy which we have seen from his emotion encashing television shows and films.

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By Acharya Raman

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