As per media sources Akhilesh Yadav was born on 1st July 1973, 00:00 Hrs, Saifai. Below is his horoscope:
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I am basing my prediction on the above data as there is no other source to find out his actual birth details. Akhilesh Yadav is now running the dasha of Mercury and till 13-11-2017 he will be under the influence of Moon antara.
You are reading UP Election Astrology Prediction. Know who will win the UP election.
To win in elections one must have a very strong 10th house and also 6th house with the support of 9th and 11th house. This horoscope clearly indicates the feud between Father and Son but I feel later they will be getting together.
Mars, Mercury Venus are in star of Saturn. Saturn is sub lord for Jupiter. Saturn will be transiting over his 10th house and natal Rahu. The transit of Saturn over natal rahu is supposed to be very bad but not in upchaya houses where both are considered good. Since Mercury is in star of Saturn and Saturn is the Star lord of Sub lord of moon, Saturn is also the star lord of Sub lord of Mercury. Saturn emerges out as a major planet for Akhilesh Yadav. Rahu is placed in 10th house which is very good position of Rahu.
Sun, moon and ketu are in star of Rahu. Rahu is the significator of many houses of this horoscope. Infact it is Saturn and Rahu which are holding the main positions for Akhilesh Yadav. The transit of Saturn over his 10th house and Rahu will surely prove very yogakarka for Akhilesh Yadav. The polling will be between 11th February to 8th March 2017. Akhilesh yadav will be passing through the pratyantara of Saturn itself.
Thus it is going to be Mercury-Moon-Saturn period when the polling will be done. Akhilesh Yadav will be winning with a thumping majority as per the birth data used in this analysis which I do not know whether is correct or not.
But if go for the time chart of this moment which is 17/01/2017, 12:28:17, ndls:
The sublord of the ascendant is Venus placed in 11th house. It is in Star of Jupiter which is placed in 6th bhava. Here again Saturn becomes the sub lord for the houses 5th,6th ,11th ,12th and occupies the star of mercury.
Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
In this chart the Sun dasa Saturn antara is going till 29-08-2017. Sun is in own star but is sub of Saturn placed in 8th house. Saturn is in mercury star but in own sub. Thus 8th house is prominently shown by Saturn in the time chart. As per KSK it is the sub lord of the planet which decides whether the fruits will be sweet or bitter. Here 8th house is getting prominent due to the Sub lord which is placed in 8th bhava of the Dasa and antara lord.
It does not show a clear picture of a win of Akhilesh Yadav but it does show deep conspiracies which will be done for the win. The political scenario of UP is very hot these days and it will be interesting to see who becomes the CM. The time chart DOES NOT indicate a direct win of Akhilesh Yadav with majority in UP.
So this was the analysis of two horoscopes with the same question, Best wishes to Akhilesh Yadav for his upcoming elections in Uttar Pradesh. In my opinion the time charts are more trustworthy when there is no accurate birth data available but let us see what comes out in assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh 2017.
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