Rajiv Hari Om Bhatia, better known as Akshay Kumar was born on 9th September 1967. He was a martial artist and later turned to films and now is a superstar of Bollywood. Let us see what Akshay Kumar birth numbers and name numbers reveal for this year 2017. His first movie was saugandh in 1991.
1 2 3 5 1 1 2 6 4 1 2
13 15
28= 10= 1
9 + 9 + 1+9 +6+7 = 41=5
Akshay Kumar birth number is 9. His name number is 1. 13, 15, 28, 41 are the other numbers which are playing a role in his life in one way or another. If we see, there is no presence of number 8 in his name or date of birth or birth number. If we look at his career, he gave a hit movie in 1992 and later on he kept moving ahead with films with good or moderate success. The absence of 8 has made it possible for him to get success easily than many others. Of course there is no doubt that he must have done his part of the struggle but surely it was lesser than many who were struggling in the Bombay movie industry at that time. He has not seen much failure in his career and when ever there is slump in his career, he has come up with flying colors.
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2017 totals to 10 which is in sync with his name number and friendly with birth number so this is also going to be a cheers year for him and he will give blockbusters this year too. His movie Jolly LLB2 is already creating waves and is a “will be” hit movie. Akshay Kumar is starring with popular actress Huma Khan which has done very good acting in her previous films.
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Best of luck to him.
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