Amazing Science Behind Hindu Temples

Structure of the temple –
Temple is built keeping in mind the earth’s magnetic energy. The idol is placed in the centre of the temple where the positive energy flows in abundance.

No footwear –
Temples are built where pure, magnetic and electric vibrations flow. Generally floors of temples are good conductors of positive vibrations which is why it is important to go naked feet to allow those vibes to pass on.

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Tilak on forehead –
The point between the eyebrows is a major nerve spot in the human body. The tilak helps in retaining the energy and concentration levels of the body.

Why only Coconut and banana  ?
Coconut and banana trees are grown with sampling or digging the whole fruit process. That is why these are sacred foods. Others are considered tainted as they grow from the seeds of an eaten fruit.

Burning the camphor –
Burning the camphor gives out chemical energies which activate all 5 senses of the body.

Bells in the temple –
The sharp sound of the bell echoes till 7 seconds after ringing. The sound touch our 7 chakras of the body. The moment we ring bells, it unites the left and right part of the brain vanishing all thought. In simple words, bells are made to spread awareness.

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Blowing conch
Blowing shankha is the purest form of sound making. It is a syllable of sound OM. It is used in the beginning of any good work. It represents freshness and purity as it spreads the positive energy radiant’s in the temple.

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