Moles can be defined as the tiny little black or brown spots that appear on some of our body parts. In astrology, there is a specific and significant symbolism of moles that may help us to fore tell the destiny as well as the characteristics of an individual. Let’s have a look on different types of moles and their descriptive meaning:
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Mole on The Forehead:
If a person is having a mole on his forehead, then it is believed that it may be lucky for the person for it denotes wealth and financial success. The person having a mole on forehead may become famous and may have a good name in the society.
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Mole On Eye or Near it:
If a person has a mole on his right eye or any place near the eye then that person may have a lot of affairs throughout his life. It may be possible that he/ she may get involved in infidelity as well. However, if the mole is on or near the left eye, that person may have to see some failures or disappointments in life.
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Mole On Ears:
A mole on anywhere on the ear brings along with it a luxurious life with good earnings. But it may also suggest that the expenditure will remain uncontrollable for that person throughout in life. A mole on the backside of the right ear may indicate that the person may get his wife from a higher status and society.
Mole On Nose:
A person having a mole on his/ her nose will generally have a very high self esteem and ego. A mole on the right side of the nose represents money gain with little or almost no efforts. Whereas, a mole on the bridge of the nostrils indicates trouble in career and professional life with constant money loss.
Mole On Chin:
The mole on the right side of the chin represents a diplomatic and dual nature with a good sense of logical reasoning. Whereas, a mole on the left side of the chin may indicate that the person will be straightforward in all his deeds and approach towards life.
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Mole On Lips:
A person having a mole on the upper side of his lips will always believe in doing good to others. A mole on the lower lips will signify that the person will be a lover of good food. A mole on the upper side of the lips will indicate that the person may have a possibility of becoming a drunkard in his life.
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I have an rudraksh til on my leg..
Plz define