Aung San Suu Kyi : KP Analysis

VGR Pavan
KP System Astrologer

San Suu Kyi at last occupied “Pivotal position” in Myanmar. Even though she is not eligible for becoming president she had chosen a person “Loyal” to her. I am interested to know about her influence on Myanmar politics. The following is the horoscope for the moment:

Asc is in Mars-Saturn-Moon whereas tenth house is in Sun-Venus-Venus zone. Moon is in the zone of Sun-Venus which tally with the tenth house hence time is reflecting the question.
Now Venus is in 5th house in the star of Kethu and sub of Mars. Kethu is in 4th house representing Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Mars is in Asc in the star of Saturn in Asc. Therefore Venus is connected with 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 houses. Venus is a peace giver; hence her ruling will be more concerned about law and order. She may be successful in controlling few rebel groups as Venus is in the sub of Mars.

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I think few military people may cause trouble as Mars and Saturn are in Asc. Remember Saturn is a significator for 8th house aspecting 10th house may throw lot of obstacles to prove her success.
Sun-Venus-Saturn period will rule till 15-06-2016; this may cause reforms in her ruling. She may concentrate more on irrigation during this period. Later Sun-Venus-Mercury period till 07-08-2016 may give industrial reforms as Mercury is in Aries in the star of Sun in Aries again. Aries denotes industries.
Moon lord of the 9th house in 2nd house is in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Sun is in 5th house whereas Venus is in 5th house in the star of Kethu. Therefore she may extensively travel to different countries for financial support. 9th house is for providential help. She will be successful in improving employment through different policies as Venus and Sun are in 5th house which is 11th counted from the 7th house (citizens). Her ruling is acceptable for the people and she will be adored for making peace in the country.

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Note Moon is very close to the point of Capricorn ruling India. Therefore she may have good relations with India from Moon main period.
She will rule without any opposition as Moon is very strong at sub level by signifying 1-10 houses. However the conjoined period of Moon-Saturn that begins in Nov 2020 and rule till Jun 2022 need careful consideration. Both these planets are co-rulers of Asc! Moon is badaka lord in Maraka house. Saturn is in the star of Mercury occupant of 6th house owning 8th house; this combination is not good for health. During this period Saturn will transit over the position of Moon in this horoscope that may endanger life!

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