There is a sudden flow of news items about a deceased Bulgarian Blind female Astrologer who had predicted the rise of ISIS and fall of European countries. BABA VANGA – the Nostradamus of the Balkans as she is called now by the media, I am sharing my personal opinion as an astrologer, about her prediction about ISIS and invasion of Europe by Islamic extremists in 2016. She made many predictions which came true but we have seen many such “psychics” who have made many predictions which came true and ultimately the predictions about end of the world or great invasion or world war have all gone wrong by those people. She had also predicted Barack Obama to be the last US president. How can it be possible? As far as rise of ISIS is concerned, we have seen the end of Osama Bin Laden and Saddam hussain etc who were trying to impose their ideology on the world.

Janm Kundali

The most important thing is the timing when this news item is suddenly making waves in the west and in the world, what was the need to make these predictions spread like fire is something I am not able to understand as it will only create fear among the masses and will give support to Islamic extremists.

I am raising a prasna chart for the moment and asking specifically that whether the prediction of baba vanga about ISIS will be true or not:

Date: 12-12-2015

Time: 11:35:36

Place: New Delhi

baba vanga prediction

For a prediction or prophecy to be true, there should be connection of 3rd and 5th csl with 11th house. In the chart above, the 3rd and 5th cusp sublord is Jupiter. Jupiter is lord of 2 and 11 houses himself. It is also aspecting the sign Sagittarius which is his own sign and 11th bhava in the chart. But Jupiter is in star of sun at the moment and sun is in 10th bhava which is 12th to 11th.

The 11th cusp sub lord is Saturn which is in own star and Jupiter sub. Thus the connection of 3,5,11 is being formed in the horary or the prasna chart.

Moon at the time of judgment is in ketu star and rahu sub. Moon is in 10th house which is connected with governments and ruling parties. Dasa of rahu will operate from 27-11-2015 to 15-12-2016. Rahu will be transiting in the royal sign Leo at that time.

As far as the horoscope of the moment is concerned, it seems that the prophecy will be true to a good extent but not completely and European nations with the help of allies will end the extremism by the year 2017 or before and in Jupiter period which will be from 15-12-2016 to 21-11-2017 things will start to get better.

Summing up, Baba Vanga`s prophecy will come true to a good extent in the year 2016 and there will be chaos as told by her.

By Acharya Raman
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