Acharya Raman
Vedic & KP System Astrologer
Cancer Horoscope 2017, The year 2017 will begin with Saturn in Scorpio till 26th January and on 26th it will enter into Sagittarius. It will get retrograde on 6th April and till 25th August it will be so. It will get direct on 25th August. It will enter Scorpio on 21st June and on 26th October it will move back into Sagittarius. Jupiter will be in Virgo till 12th September 2017.
Horoscope 2017 for Cancer, It will get retrograde on 6th February and will become direct on 9th June. Rahu will be transiting Leo till 18th August 2017 and on 18th it will enter Cancer. Ketu will be in Aquarius till 18th August and on 18th it will enter Capricorn. Venus will enter into Pisces on 27th January and it will remain therefore a long time till 31st may when it goes into Aries. After that it has a smooth motion forward. It will retrograde on 4th March till 15th April and will get combust from 30th April to 13th July. Read more Cancer Horoscope 2017 below.
You are reading Cancer Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year
Cancer Horoscope 2017, I will be telling you the major things you can expect in 2017 and problems you may face along with the remedies which will make your life easier. Kindly note that changes of major planets have deeper effect on native than other planets thus they are considered firstly to judge the impact on your life broadly. For precise study on your natal horoscope please buy our annual horoscope service. If we are talking about Cancer Horoscope 2017, we should talk about Cancer Native’s family life.
- Family Life of Cancer Native in 2017: Rahu is afflicting your second house and ketu the 8th Saturn is aspecting the 7th bhava but in January itself it will be in your 6th bhava. Thus largely speaking, this will be a very bad year for family life as such. You will not be able to gel well with your spouse and family members. You will be suspicious and irritating.
Read Cancer Horoscope 2017 and Plan your year accordingly
- To add insult to injury, rahu ketu will come to your 1-7 axis and the 7th bhava will lose the benefic aspect of Jupiter in September. After that things will get worse only. Those running the antaras except of Saturn, rahu, ketu wil not face much but those with these antaras will face the music in full volume, or if your dasa lord is in the star of these planets then also the same results will be operating.
- Health: Cancer Horoscope 2017, Health wise this will be a normal year but more towards negative things. You may suffer from some sickly diseases and diseases of the generative organs. Females will be suffering more than males. Vaginal fluids and cycle will be irregular and after September things will be more disturbing. Year 2017 for Cancer Natives will also be prone to mental trauma and insomnia. People with Saturn or ketu antara in this period should be most careful. Others may not face much but these natives are at high risk of going through these problems and contracting fatal diseases.
You are reading Cancer Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year
- Finance: Finance will be deceptive this year. You need to make decisions very carefully and un emotionally. The afflicting houses are 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 thus be careful. Do not lend money even if the promise of full paperwork is there. You should not make uninspected purchases otherwise ou may get something else than what you dreamt off. Remember that as long as rahu is there in your second house there will be problems related to money and saving money. Rahu will not allow smoothness in your life. It will change to your ascendant in august which will be making you more erratic.
- Career: Cancer Rashifal 2017, The 10th bhava is your career path and 6th is the bhava for Job. You will be having a normal progression as far as career is concerned. You will not be getting much opportunity and if there will be some; you will not be able to take the benefits from them. There will be last minute glitches and you will see your friends getting ahead of you as far as performances are concerned. Your seniors will be keeping a negative impression of you this year. Things will improve after September when Jupiter will aspect your 10th bhava but that too will not be enough because your mind will be afflicted by rahu. If Rahu is a malefic for you in your horoscope then career will be severely disturbed. Those with dasa of Rahu, Saturn will be most afflicted in their careers. You will have much relief if you will pass through the antara of Jupiter this year. Those with dasa of Saturn should be ready for 7.5 years of mental harassment because Saturn will be transiting in 6-7-8 houses in this time frame.
- Business: People into business will be equally un-profited due to these 2017 planetary transits. It will be best not to indulge in activities of expansion if you are a small time businessmen or planning to rise high on bank loan etc. In both cases you will fail. Do not make new partnerships for coming 3-4 years. In existing partnerships, be crystal clear and legal from your end and keep everything documented. This will definitely save a lot for you in the time to come. If you are having Saturn DBA then do things very slowly and do not wish for results to come in time, they will drag till you get completely out of mind and then suddenly happen if they are destined to be in your natal chart. Those with Jupiter DBA will be the ones who will be making more progress than others.
You are reading Cancer Horoscope 2017 and know how will be your coming year
- Romance: Cancer Horoscope 2017, Cancerians are unfortunate in this field, as far as astrological studies have shown, they do not have good success ratio of love affairs and same with marital life. This year also you should forget about love etc and focus more on your work and improving your overall personality. If you are into studies then you should more concentrate on getting good marks because this will be a bad year for students. If you are going through Venus dasa and have a partner then be careful till 31st may as Venus will be staying in Pisces for a long time and it will be getting retrograde and combust. Those with Saturn, ketu dasa may see the end of their love matters. Others will not be much affected by the transits.
Get Cancer Lal Kitab Horoscope
- Sex Life: There will be lack of interest in physical relations and you may feel incompetence in doing so. This applies equally on both the sexes. Sexual health will be giving problems from time to time and you feel dejected while doing intercourse. This will be most pronounced with people going through ketu, Saturn periods and not with others.
- Days of caution: Cancer Rashifal 2017, 30th April to 13th July is the time to be careful. If going through Jupiter antara then avoid these dates – 5th Feb to 25th Feb and 1st to 10th.
Read Cancer Horoscope 2017 and Plan your year accordingly
- Remedial Astrology: Wear a fine quality opal or diamond or moon stone in the third finger on a Friday morning. (buy opal) If you are passing through rahu or ketu DBA then you can buy our talisman for rahu and ketu protection.(buy now) Reciting devi kawach will be the best remedy for you and hanuman chalisa along with it daily twice.
Know Leo Rashifal/Horoscope 2017
This is the complete Cancer Horoscope 2017. You can get here the remedy for Cancer Horoscope natives.
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