Dimple Yadav is the wife of chief minister of Uttar Pradesh. Their marriage is love marriage. The younger brother of Akhilesh yadav too has done love marriage with Aprana Yadav. Both Dimple Yadav and Aparna Yadav are doing a lot of hard work to come back to power and establish Akhilesh Yadav as CM again. She is now being supported by Priyanka Gandhi. She got married on 24th November 1999 when she was just 21 years old. Her horoscope also suggests that the native may have early marriage.
From unconfirmed sources of the internet, Dimple Yadav birth details are 15 January 1978, Pune, 4:59 am. Incidentally, she shares her date of birth with her arch rival Mayawati. Below is her horoscope:+

Dimple Yadav is now running the dasha of Venus till 02-12-2020 and the antara is of Mercury till 04-10-2019. Both Venus and Mercury are conjunct in the horoscope and are aspected by the lord of second and fifth house Jupiter. Saturn is placed in the 10th house of the horoscope and Saturn is the lord of 3rd and 4th house. Venus is in the star of Sun which is the lord of the 10th house. Sun is placed in the third house in Saturn`s sign. She has very good gajkesari yoga in her chart. This yoga is formed by lord of the 9th and 2nd house.
Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
Also Read : Priyanka Gandhi Horoscope Analysis
There are so many stalwarts doing their hard work in the field that it is very difficult for the astrologers, people into psephology etc to come out with a unanimous verdict about the party making the government and the other things is their own personal views and agendas also hamper the decision process.
Still as per this horoscope her campaigning for the Samajwadi party will surely give some good results and she will be able to convert some seats in favor of her husband.
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