Donald J Trump is the oldest person to be elected as president of United States of America. He was born on 14th June 1946 at 10:54 am in New York. Below is his horoscope.
His net worth as per Forbes was 2.6 billion USD in 2004. Donald J Trump has married thrice and paid hefty money for divorces. He has Leo rising in the ascendant. Both the signs Cancer and Leo are royal signs and have given many diplomats, politicians and presidents to the world. He is just one of them.
He came to power on the agenda of temporarily banning entry of Muslims in USA and he did implement his word but court put a stay on this regulation of his. It also means that he does what he says. Let us see the Donald Trump’s Horoscope, It has Mars in leo. Mercury is in own sign. Sun is in the 10th house where it gets maximum digbala and moon is in 4th house.
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If we are talking about Donald Trump Horoscope Analysis, He became the President in the end of his Rahu mahadasha and Rahu is placed in the tenth house of his chart which is a very good place for rahu.
Rahu makes one a winner if it is placed in 3, 6, 10, 11 houses of an individual. Donald J Trump is a born rich person so money was not an issue for him in his life. He went on making more and more money through his various businesses, now he wants to serve his country.
Now he is passing through his Jupiter mahadasha and Jupiter is placed in Virgo in second house. Transit Jupiter is passing over his second house and Transit Saturn is in his 5th house aspecting second bhava.
He is going to make more money from his businesses is one thing for sure but he is also going to launch programs of mass liking. Jupiter in Donald J Trump horoscope is aspected by Saturn and also in transit Saturn is going to aspect his natal Jupiter. We will surely see many strong decisions from him and trouble in his personal life.
Also Read Daily Horoscope to plan your day.
Donald J Trump will be in media for all the wrong reasons but will maintain his popularity and his followers will be increasing only. He will take some decisive action against the Islamic terror groups around the world and will be a key factor in the end of global terrorism.
The Star lord of Jupiter is Mars in his horoscope and Jupiter is the starlord for Saturn. It will be very interesting to see how things will unfold for Americans and for the world in the time to come. Horoscope of Donald Trump suggests that he is going to be very popular amongst the masses and unpopular amongst the classes.
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Donald J. Trump.
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