Saturn commands us to get to work and to work hard. Discipline and responsibility are important to this planet. It sets boundaries to what we can and cannot achieve. Saturn shows us the truth and reality of life. When ill placed, Saturn can have ill effects and can destroy your life. Let’s have a look on the following remedies by which one can reduce its malefic effects –
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Blue Sapphire
Blue sapphire is the most effective remedy when it comes to Saturn. It not only reduces the problems created by Saturn but also serve as a style statement.
Black Horse Shoe
Black Horse Shoe is considered as the best remedy to make Lord Saturn happy among all. It must be hanged on the front door of your house or shop. It can ward off evil sights and reduce malefic effects of Lord Saturn.
Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
Amethyst Mala
Amethyst Mala will protect you like a shield. It is made from blue sapphire gemstone. It is the favorite stone of Lord Saturn. You can wear this mala to reduce the ill effects of Saturn.
Shani Yantra
Saturn can change your life according to its placement in your horoscope. To reduce its malefic effects and increase the auspiciousness of Saturn, establish Shani Yantra at your home or workplace. Take advice from any experienced astrologer about the rituals and procedure of establishing it.
Lapis Pointer
Lapis pointer is the sub stone of blue sapphire. It increases the benefic effects of Saturn. The energized rays in the stone will make you think positive always. The stone will protect you from negativity. One can make a ring out of it or just keep the pointer with you.
Shani Yantra Tabeez
Any person suffering from the malefic effects of Saturn must wear this tabeez. The person will be able to lead his struggling life with strength and positivity.
Black Agate Mala
The mala is a protection from Saturn’s ill placing and evil sight. The changes after buying it, will be clear in 2 weeks only. It will not let negative thoughts come to you.
Amethyst Pointer
Amethyst Pointer is the sub stone of blue sapphire and very effective in reducing the bad effects of Saturn. People who wear this stone make Lord Saturn happy. The stone will never let negativity come to you.One can make a ring out of it or just keep the pointer with you.
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