Prem Kumar Sharma is a renowned name in astrology. He has been predicting since more than two decades and has a record of many great predictions. He was initially not interested in doing astrology and wanted to be a mechanical engineer. But after he gave few predictions to his known people; which came true, he turned towards astrology. As he says that he was destined to be an astrologer. He comes from a family of astrologers and his father and uncle were famous astrologers themselves who used to give predictions on many topics from personal to mundane which used to be true. The same tradition has continued with him. His predictions have been published in major national dailies and electronic media.
Check Hindu Panchang 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
He has done detailed research in astrology, astronomy, numerology, gemology, Tantra and later he also had his hands on lal kitaab and other branches.
People often ask him whether he can make a change in their lives or not and his reply usually is the use of correct way to perform remedy and a right way of life does aids in betterment of life. He says that remedial measures can diminish the effects but cannot change the destiny.
Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.
He is consulted by the who`s who in the society not only in India but also people across the globe consult him for getting a better life and getting rid of their problems and mental tensions. He was also rated one of the top ten astrologers of the world in 2003.
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