Celebrity Numerologist Sanjay B Jumaani is one of the very famous Numerologist in India. Sanjay B Jumaani battled in his business work for a long time, (he began working at 14, nearby doing Junior school) and could scarcely bring home the bacon. In spite of very hard work the cream would be taken by others.
Finally, Sanjay B Jumaani got counsel from his dad and was encouraged to utilize Sanjay B Jumaani rather than Sanjay Jumani. What followed in the following 6 months was a crazy ride change, as the vibrations of his new name made him hurl his occupation as a showcasing official of seventeen years to take a dive into the universe of numerology. He is effectively taking care of his dad’s calling and is additionally in the spotlight for all his amazing expectations; he has been instrumental in changing many individuals fate by adjusting the spellings in their names and surnames.
It has been more than a long time since, and Sanjay B Jumaani has broken new outskirts by propelling his site. He had a one hour week by week program on a radio channel, Radio City 91 FM, which was communicated for more than two years, furthermore he had a show on Radio Mirchi in Mumbai, which was effectively communicate each Monday for a long time. He facilitated a 30 minute TV program called Bolien Ssitare on Sahara One channel which was a great success. Sanjay B Jumaani is the main Numerologist on the planet to foresee a “TIE” in a one day cricket coordinate amongst India and Srilanka a few years back. (“Radio City 91FM”)’.
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Sanjay B Jumani reviews one of his critical customers – a childless couple. “We found that their names were not in congruity with each other. So we changed their names and prompted them about the shading they ought to utilize, – and you wouldn’t trust, they had a kid in a year’s time. That has been the most fulfilling snapshot of our vocation”. Grins Sanjay.
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Sanjay B Jumaani’s perspectives are exceedingly regarded and show up in different driving daily papers every now and then. At the point when Salman Khan was stuck in an unfortunate situation because of his asserted inclusion in a mischance and his adventures in Rajasthan, Sanjay through his radio program anticipated that disaster tormented him because of his inclination for dark shading, which does not suit his number 9. Sanjay proposed him to wear blue, green and beige hues, which would tackle his issues. On his moms scrutiny Salman Khan wore Blue pants and white shirt, after which his safeguard supplication was at long last acknowledged. “colors assumes a vital part in the fortunes of a man” says Sanjay.
Sanjay B Jumaani whose name comes in the most renowned numerologists in India additionally writes for productions like Times Of India, Filmfare, Ananda Bazar Ptrika (No 1 Bengali daily paper in the east). Tathaastu , a U.S based magazine and does a radio pragramme for Dubai and additionally Mumbai.
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Mere beti ke nam ka speling date of birth ke hisabse sahi hai kya. Ya Isme change karna chahiye
DOB 02 11 1984
please help me with my lucky or destiny number and is this year god or bad for me.
thank you
Hello Sir,
I don’t know my actual date of birth details.
Can I my horoscope be done based on my name, birth place?
I am fadup my Life please help me my name is Ajay Singh
my DOB 01081984 main meri zindagi se bezar hu my business is flap my girlfriend leave me I need ur help my friend .
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?