It is clear that Horary Horoscope is cast at the time, when the native asks question. Basis of Horary astrology is that, there must be a genuine question of native for a genuine answer. Now question arises as to what this genuine question is?
Everybody born on earth has to undergo ups & downs in life. Whenever a problem arises, native tries to solve it with possible efforts within his reach. In case of failure or continuous trouble time comes when planets & stars compel him to visit an astrologer to know when his sufferings will be over.
In other words problem haunts him to visit astrologer. This is the time when he visits I contacts astrologer and asks the
question regarding his problem. At this point of time when he asks a question he gets accurate answer from the cosmos.
To conclude astrologer should consider only that question in Horary in which native is involved and is curious to know the answer of the question. To cast a Horary Horoscope or Prasna Chart there must be a question or Prasna.
Native can ask question either related to him or related to his relative or friends. It is advised to avoid questions asked by people casually in parties, get together etc. Irrelevant and non-serious questions should not be taken from the natives as they result into incorrect answers damaging the image of astrologer & astrology. They are also of no use to the native.
When a native visits an Astrologer he has one burning question in mind about the current problem e.g. he is not doing well in business or he is not comfortable with job or his daughter is not getting married and so on. He can have two separate questions also about the profession and marriage of his daughter etc. then the astrologer should take question by Horary one by one depending upon the priority of the question told by the native. Preferably astrologer should take only one question from the native at a time and maximum
second after answering the first question.
In case of leading question of one problem astrologer should refer to same horary Horoscope e.g. native asks when marriage of his daughter will take place? After the prediction by astrologer if the native asks about the married life of the daughter then the same Horoscope has to be referred to for the prediction about the married life of his daughter.
An obvious question is that whether Astrologer can ask question for himself or not? An Astrologer is a person who has to go through the life as any other person and has to face similar problems. If even Astrologer is serious to ask a question he can ask the question for himself following the principles of Horary Astrology.
- Accuracy of Time: Astrologer should be very particular about the precision of time.
- Understanding question of Native: Astrologer should listen to the question of the Native with patience and try to understand his question carefully. Native is coming to the astrologer at the time of difficulty and at this time it is natural that he may not be in sufficient mental health and may utter unimportant things. He can be facilitated to come on concrete question and when he comes on the concrete question naturally is the time astrologer should take into consideration.
- Taking “Seed” from Native: As you know there are 243 Sub lords in a Zodiac. Six sub lords spill over to the next sign. Therefore six other sensitive points in the zodiac result giving rise to 249 sensitive points in total.
- Time of Birth of Question or Time of sowing of Seed: After knowing the degree of the Ascendant from the seed Horary Horoscope should be cast taking current time into consideration.
In case the question is asked from the Astrologer & Astrologer is not in a position to cast the Horoscope at that time and cast the horoscope afterwards to know the answer then that time should be taken when Astrologer actually starts working on the question.
In case Horoscope is to be cast by hand then when he takes the pen in hand to work upon, that time is to be taken & in case when he starts doing work by computer then that time is to be taken when he switches on his computer. The seed should be used within two days. If Astrologer is not able to work after getting the seed within two days he should ask for another seed from the native for the question.
It is not the time of asking the question that is important. It is important as to when the seed has been sown for calculating the answer.
- Place of Birth of question or Place of sowing of seed: For casting the Horary Horoscope latitude & longitude of place is taken where Astrologer works upon the question.
- Analyzing Horary Horoscope: After casting the Horary Horoscope answer should be given by analyzing the Planets in the Horoscope, DBA and Transits.
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