Take These Precautions !
Hindu families plant Tulsi in their houses in order to bring positive vibes but you need to take care of certain things related to the plant. The plant needs to be nurtured carefully as her disrespect can cause wrath from Lord Vishnu. Certain rules are :
- The plant is known as the “Women’s Deity” so it is the responsibility of the women of the household to water and worship the plant.
- Only the male member can pluck it for further use and only in the daylight.
- One should pray for forgiveness before and after plucking the leaves.
- Careful nurture symbolizes ideal wife-hood and motherhood.
- Tuesdays and Fridays are considered the best days to worship the plant.
- One is prohibited to urinate and throw garbage near the plant.
- Do no cut its branches and uproot the plant.
- Females are not allowed near the plant if their period is on.
- The plant dies if any rule is broken.
- If the plant dries naturally, one should flow it in a water body.
- Generally, offering prayers and water is done twice the day. Once in the morning and once in the evening.
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