Impact of de-monetizing decision over Indian economy: KP assessment

While discussing about de-monetizing issue with my friend, he asked me whether it is possible to predict the impact of this decision over our economy. I opened random horoscope for that moment as follows:


2nd house is for wealth, 6th house is income, and 11th house is for improvement. Houses 5-8-12 denote expenditure or loss more than income. Houses 1-3-9-10 are for stability and 4th house is for statuesque.

Here the sub lord for 2nd house is Mars. He is in 2nd house in the star of Sun and sub of Venus. Sun is in 12th house where as Venus is in Asc in the star of Kethu. Mars stars are unoccupied. Therefore Mars reflects 2-3-6-12 houses. Among them 2-12 denotes loss whereas 3-6 are favorable. Ruling periods will decide which set of these houses will be materialized.

Presently Mercury-Venus period will rule between Aug 2017. Later Mercury-Sun period will rule till Jun-2018.

Mercury is in 12th house in the star and sub of Saturn. Mercury is indicating reduction in paper currency in the country as it is in the star of Saturn. Venus is in Kethu star and Rahu sub. Therefore she is connected with 3-9 houses hence stability. We can expect stability in economy in the third quarter of 2017. Meanwhile there may be lot of pressure which is the nature of Kethu. Venus is for trade and commerce. Both these may face a negative phase.

Sun is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Kethu. Jupiter is in 10th house whereas Kethu is in 3rd house in the star of Rahu. Hence Sun is indicating change in taxing structure. Jupiter is for revenue and Kethu is for banishing old theories to begin new.  Sun in Libra denotes trade and his placement in the star of Jupiter lord of the 9-12 houses in zodiac denotes flow of FDI. That means Govt may alter tax laws for more capital inflow. I took liberty in application of rules as an experiment. Govt may initiate new projects related to development of capital cities etc. Solar energy may receive new attention.

Mercury-Moon period will rule between June 2018 and Nov 2019. Moon is in Mercury star and Venus sub. It’s really a tough tenure for our economy as Mercury is lord of 8-11 houses in 12th house. There may be volatility in the economy because both Moon and Mercury are planets for fluctuation. There may be again a problem for liquidity in the economy. Govt will be in the process of advertising for next election. Numbers may be manipulated for a better “picture” of our economy.

The sub lord of 11th house is Rahu is in the star and sub of Venus. He also denotes Sun. Hence Rahu is connected with 3-4-7-9-10-12 houses. Thus the consequences of this reformatory decision may not be as per the projections. There may be few benefits during the period of Mercury-Sun (2017-18) but in a long run it may reap sore grapes only.

I am neither to support nor to oppose any person or decision. Astrologer should be impartial while judging the horoscope. That’s why I explained the placement of planets that made me to offer such readings. I always wish for the success and prosperity of my country as a citizen. Pranams to Guruji KSK.

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