Importance of Numbers in Chinese Astrology

Lucky and Unlucky Numbers in Chinese Astrology


Chinese culture has a strong belief in numbers. There are certain descriptions, pronunciations and meanings with each number which define them as lucky or unlucky. One should take care of the meanings while deciding your telephone number, residence address, important ceremony, business investment and other things. Let’s have a look on the numbers and their lucky-unlucky quotient.

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Even and odd numbers.

Chinese culture believes in peace, balance and harmony. They prefer numbers like 2 representing harmony, 6 denoting success and 8 as fortune.

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Lucky numbers


2 – 2 is lucky in Chinese culture as it means double, twin and again. Chinese culture believe that everything good come in pairs.

3 – 3 means birth. As birth is one of  the important stage of one’s life, 3 denoting birth is lucky.

6 – 6 means smooth. Chinese natives always try to take 6 in their telephone number as it denotes everything is going smooth and clear.

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Lucky numbers


8 – 8 is pronounce as wealth and fortune. It is mainly beneficial for businessmen. It denotes prosperity, success and social status.

9 –  9 is pronounced as longevity. It denotes everlasting and eternity nature of something. This is why, Chinese lovers give 9 or 99 or 999 roses to show their eternal love.

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Unlucky numbers


4 – 4 means death. This is why it is considered the unluckiest number in Chinese astrology.

7 – 7 means gone and pronounced as cheat. Chinese natives avoid using 7 number as they call it inauspicious.

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Neutral Numbers


1 – number 1 is neither auspicious nor inauspicious. Chinese culture use 1 to call a winner, on the same hand 1 represents loneliness and single. It denotes beginning too.

5 – 5 is a neutral number in Chinese astrology. It is positive in various aspects related to Chinese culture. There are five elements, 5 blessings namely Wealth, happiness, luck, prosperity, longevity and also 5 is related to the emperor of China.

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