Men in blue will have their first combat in this calendar year with kangaroos tomorrow in WACA Stadium, Perth, Australia. I would like to offer my prediction for this game through horary astrology. An enthusiastic admirer of Indian cricket team gave seed number 200.
The following is the horoscope for the horary number:
If the sub Lord of 6th house is connected with 6, 10 and 11 houses then victories promised for the team reflecting the ascendant. In this horoscope Capricorn rises over the ascendant. As per KP, the sub Lord of 6th house is Rahu. He is placed in 8th house in the star of Sun and subdivision of Jupiter. Therefore Rahu is a powerful significator for 8 and 12 houses. It is clearly reflecting victory for Australians!
This game will be in favor of Australians. Good luck for both the teams.
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