India tour of Australia 4th–ODI match prediction

Men in blue will have their tour in this calendar year with kangaroos in Australia. I would like to offer my prediction for the 4thODI game through horary astrology. An enthusiastic admirer of Indian cricket team gave seed number 95.

The following is the horoscope for the horary number:

Horoscope 2025




If the sub Lord of 6th house is connected with 6, 10 and 11 houses then victory is  promised for the team reflecting the ascendant. In this horoscope Leo rises over the ascendant. As per KP, the sub Lord of 6th house is Saturn. He is placed in 4th house in the star of Mercury and subdivision of Kethu. Therefore Saturn is a powerful significator for 4, 5and 1 houses. Honestly it is favourable to India but Jupiter is retrograde in Ascendant which is not negative factor. Therefore victory may be with Australians at the last moment otherwise match may be postponed.


This game will be in favor of Australia. Good luck for both the teams.

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