- There can be sudden problems.
- People into illegal activities may benefit more.
- There can be sudden income from unknown source.
- Speculative trades may be beneficial for a while.
- You may have sex with a native of different religion or country.
- There could be issues with your mother`s overall health.
- There can be some problems in your vehicle.
- You may make some repairs in your house.
- Expenses can be done on sickness of self or family member.
- There will be cooperation from seniors.
- Your spouse may get physical with someone else.
- You may go to a religious place.
- Kith and kins will be cooperative.
- Luck will be normal.
- There will be monitory gains.
- At times there will be unexpected losses due to cheating or false speaking.
- You may get relief from some old ailment.
- There will be win over enemies.
- You will get popular and your position will rise.
- Good time for salaried people.
- You will work more aggressively.
Read the effects of retrograde planets. Click Here.
- Inter-religion or international love affairs will be blooming.
- Family life will be normal.
- There could be some sex organ related issues.
- You may not enjoy sex pleasure completely.
- You may complete a pilgrimage.
- There can be losses in travel.
- You will have better gains if you are a salaried person.
- Time will be difficult and stressful.
- Married life will be disturbed.
- Mother`s health may worsen.
- Spouse may cheat you – it is very much likely.
- Wrong decisions will lead to heavy losses.
- Do not have much expectation from people and luck.
- There can be gains from brothers.
- Good for people into writing blogging etc.
- Keep good relations with your neighbors.
- Good time will be enjoyed with your romance partner.
- Married life will be average.
- People into some illegal trades may have sudden profits.
- Think twice before you speak.
Read Annual horoscope of Libra. Click Here.
- This will be best transit for you if you are going through rahu or Jupiter DBA.
- There will be financial gains.
- You will have sex with a widow or a divorced native.
- You may have unnatural sex.
- There will be win over enemies.
- There will increase in your popularity.
- Self confidence will increase.
- You may have to go for a long travel.
- Relations with relatives will improve.
- You may have a platonic love with a person too older or too younger than you.
- Natives of opposite sex will be helpful.
- Some ole policy or mutual fund or share may give gains.
- Some sudden unexpected financial gain is likely.
- There will be difference of opinion within family members.
- You may have to see hospital and make expenses there.
- You may indulge in sex with other than your married partner.
- Luck will be with you for some extent.
- You may get a huge surprise during this transit.
Read Capricorn annual horoscope. click here.
- There could be gains from spouse.
- You may have a increase in family size.
- Your relations with all will get better.
- It is a good time to end old enmities.
- You may think to buy new home.
- There could be separation from spouse.
- Your enemies will dominate you.
- You may have to take loans.
- You may have a fight at your workplace.
- It is better to delay the legal matters.
- There are chances of loss of money.
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