Kenny Rogers: Horoscope analysis of country legend

It is always asserted that retrograde planets prove adverse for a native in his life. The more planets are retrograde the person will suffer more. The rules seems to be giving opposite results in case of Kenny Rogers, The universal country legend and my favorite too just like he is first choice in country music for millions. Let us see his horoscope and what made him what he became:

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Kenny Rogers is a Libra rising with moon in Gemini, both airy signs and he has Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn retrograde in his birth chart. Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde so the total retrograde planets in his chart are 5. Kenny Rogers is the highest selling country –pop bridge singer of our times and has been awarded many times. Kenny Rogers has sold over 100 million records worldwide. He was born in ardra and he could not accomplish much in Jupiter mahadasha but when his Saturn dasa started he gradually became a legend. His Saturn dasa started from 06-01-1963 and continued till 06-01-1983 and this is the time when he became what we know about him today. Saturn is retrograde in his chart but placed in star of Mercury. In his mercury dasa too he kept rising and in 1986 he was voted best singer of all times in a poll conducted by USA Today and People magazine. Mercury is placed in the star of Venus which is in the 11th bhava in the cuspal chart, making mercury a strong significator of 11th house. This is why his Saturn dasa too proved golden for him.

Weekly Horoscope

Kenny Rogers married 5 times and has immense assets on his name. The 7th house is afflicted by ketu and the lord of 7th house Mars is debilitated in his horoscope. His record breaking hit “Lucille” was released in January 1977 in his Mars antara in Saturn dasa. Mars is debilitated in his chart but placed in mercury star and Mars himself is placed in 10th house in the cuspal chart giving immense strength to his career. Later more hits came his way.

Check Hindu पंचांग 2019 to know lucky days, shubh muhurat, marriage muhurat, grah pravesh muhurat and much more.

Kenny Rogers told media in 2015 that he will now give time to his family and his pet goat. Thus star and sub play more important role in a chart that the outer rasi or the lagna chart, even after having debilitated planet in 10th house and 5 retrograde planets he became a legend in his own field.

Semi Precious Gemstones

I give my best of luck and health wishes to my all time favorite country legend Kenny Rogers.

By Acharya Raman

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